Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA)
Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Do you want to be in full communion with the Catholic Church? Are you a teen or adult desiring the sacrament of Confirmation? Your journey of faith begins with your questions. Contact Fr. Abraham or call the Parish Office for more information.
Small Groups (Live Lent & Fall into Faith)
Though St. Matthias has had a long history of small faith-sharing groups, over the past three years we have had a bit of renewal and re-focus and have formed new or continuing small group experiences during the fall and will continue to do this for Lent. These newly formed groups have provided additional opportunities to pray, reflect on Scripture, and share faith among 250 parishioners. Most groups met virtually during the pandemic, some continue to do so and others meet in person. If you are new to this experience and would like to join a group or start a group of your own, please click here to sign up.
For further information about our Live Lent Small Groups, please contact Debbie Schurko.
Parish Vocation Committee
The St. Matthias Vocations Ministry encourages and fosters vocations by promoting awareness of vocations and helping parishioners of all ages discern God’s call to vocation and follow their vocations intentionally and mindfully. More information about this committee can be found at https://www.stmatthias.net/vocations/. Contact: StMatthiasVocationsMinistry@gmail.com
GIFT – Religious Education
Welcome to religious formation at St. Matthias. Religious Formation includes our GIFT (Growing in Faith Together) program, which is for families with children in grades K-Grade 8 or for anyone who wishes to grow in faith. GIFT is an intergenerational faith formation process that recognizes that faith formation is life-long.
GIFT sessions meet once a month from October through April. We gather for prayer and song, activities, and learning. Each year, we focus on a different topic based on the Catechism of the Church. This year, we will focus on Practices of the Christian Way of Life. We meet on Sunday afternoons starting in church at 2 PM or earlier if we are beginning with the 12 Noon Mass. A session on Tuesday evening will also be offered beginning at 6:30 PM.
Additional preparation for the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation 7 and 8 [A TWO Year process] is also part of our religious formation program. Families with children in second grade in either GIFT or in St. Matthias School need to register for First Reconciliation/First Communion. These sessions include the child and at least one parent. They will on certain Sunday’s beginning in church with the 10AM Mass followed by sessions for the children and parents in the school classrooms or the St. John XXIII room in the school until 11:45 AM. Families with children in 7th and/or 8th grade [SMS and GIFT] need to register for Confirmation.
To register for the GIFT program, please click here
For a copy of the GIFT calendar, please click here.
GIFT begins in October and families choose one day to come each month-a Tuesday evening or Sunday afternoon. Sessions during the week begin promptly at 6:30 PM. On Sundays the sessions begin at 2:00 pm unless otherwise noted.
Registration Fees: At least one parent attends the session with their child/children.
- Families with one child: $115
- Two children: $165
- Three or more children: $215 (Max $215/family)
This fee includes all program materials.
To register for GIFT:
- Please first become a registered parishioner if not already. Parish registration form.
- Complete the GIFT registration form online.
- Payments should be made online at the time of registration through Parish Giving.
- To pay for the 2024-2025 year please click here.
- To pay for the 2023-2024 year please click here.
- New registrants to GIFT must also present a copy of each child’s Baptism certificate if the child was NOT baptized at St. Matthias Church.
Questions about Faith Formation? Please contact Debbie Schurko.
Payment may also be made quarterly or monthly, if pre-arranged with the Faith Formation Office. Please contact Nathalie Godet.
Summer SONdays Vacation Bible Camp
Summer Sondays, a most popular and fun tradition at St. Matthias for over 23 years, involves kids, teens and adult volunteers. The week long camp typically takes place the week after July 4th each summer!
Youth Group: St. Matthias Youth Living Evangelization (SMYLE)
Our youth are a great source of life and energy to our parish community. We invite 6th through 12th graders to join us for games, food and fun. We meet on Sunday evenings in the St. Matthias School cafeteria. All are welcome! Check the Calendar for the most up-to-date information. Please contact Sue Lenczewski at SMYLE@stmatthias.net with any questions or to join the group.
NeXt Level Youth Initiative/Project
In 2018, the Center for FaithJustice (CFJ) received a research grant from the Lilly Endowment for the purposes of studying the long term effects of the project, “NeXt Level: The WorX Continues.” St. Matthias has joined this exciting effort as one of 6 parishes in Year Two! We have CFJ staff assigned to work with our parish NeXt Level efforts and to plan our “Passion Project” for the whole parish.
NeXt Level is designed to institute youth-led parish-wide campaigns rooted in service and justice at select participating Catholic congregations across the greater New Jersey region. NeXt Level will build on the core tenets of CFJ’s long-standing and proven WorX program model and empower youth delegates to take their passion to the “next level” within their home parish communities.
The program hopes to put in place an integrated, intergenerational infrastructure, establish tangible youth-led action plans, and implement a communications strategy to make these efforts parish-wide, instead of being siloed as “just another youth group activity.” We currently have 4 outstanding NeXt Level Youth delegates, 3 mentors and 2 staff members involved with our young people in these efforts.