Eucharist is celebrated at St. Matthias on weekends and weekdays. For the most up-to-date schedule, visit Mass or the calendar.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated on Saturdays from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Please always check the calendar for the most up-to-date information.
Sacramental Preparation for First Eucharist and for First Reconciliation
If you are a teen or adult seeking to prepare for First Eucharist or First Reconciliation, we invite you to join our RCIA Program.
For children, First Eucharist/First Reconciliation preparation includes about 8 catechetical/formation sessions – four for First Penance and four for First Eucharist. Normally, First Reconciliation and First Eucharist begins in the second grade. These sessions are scheduled on Sunday mornings throughout the year beginning in October. The sessions for parents and child begin with participation at the Sunday 10AM Mass followed by classes for children and adults in the school building. There is also a First Eucharist Retreat Day on a Saturday in the spring. Attendance for all sessions is required and each child must be accompanied by at least one parent. These sessions are in addition to participation in G.I.F.T. [Growing In Faith Together our K-8 religious formation program]; OR in addition to attending St. Matthias School or another Catholic School.
Children will celebrate First Reconciliation on a Saturday morning in January or February. First Communions are celebrated typically on approximately two Saturdays in May. The families choose the date most convenient for them from the two choices given.
All families who desire their children to receive First Reconciliation [A Diocesan requirement prior to reception of First Eucharist] and First Eucharist must complete the online REGISTRATION FORM. *If you have more than one child you need to register, please complete a separate registration for each one. The fee for First Reconciliation/First Eucharist sacramental preparation is $80 per child. Payments should be made online through Parish Giving. To make a payment for the 2024-2025 session, please click here. Questions? Please contact Debbie Schurko, Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation.
First Reconciliation / First Communion Calendar 2024_2025 UPDATED