On GivingTuesday 2021 — Tuesday, November 30 — St. Matthias will be sponsoring two GivingTuesday campaigns:
- “Spiritual Tech Connect” campaign for the church
- “Trading Spaces & Reading Places” campaign for the school
The church’s campaign has two goals: 1) To raise funds for monitors and equipment to project text and videos inside the church, and 2) To raise funds to purchase and install permanent livestreaming equipment so we can continue to livestream our Masses and other services to spiritually connect our entire community, especially our homebound parishioners and family members and friends unable to participate in-person.
Click HERE, to learn more, to hear from Fr. Abraham and from our volunteers who help us in this ministry, and to donate online.
Donate in one of the following ways:
- Online (Apple Pay, credit card, or bank transfer) at Click HERE
- Text to give, by texting SPIRITTECH to 44321.
- By check: please make the check out to “St. Matthias Church” and write “Church Giving Tuesday” in the memo line.
- Via Parish Giving by clicking on Give Now (or log in if you have an account), click on Fundraising, then select: Restricted Gifts-Church-Giv Tue
Does your employer offer a matching gift? If so, please let them know of your donation and also contact Ana Kelly at akelly@stmatthias.net
To view the school’s GivingTuesday page, go to: www.stmatthias.info/givingtuesday-2021