Our Team

Parish Staff

Fr. Abraham Orapankal
e-mail me
Fr. Lancelot McGrath
Parochial Vicar
e-mail me
Mary Lynch
e-mail me
Mary Pat Burke-Grospin
Business Administrator
e-mail me
Deacon Russell Demkovitz
e-mail me
Deacon John M. Radvanski
e-mail me
Deacon Ron Caimi
Debbie Schurko
Director of Religious Education
e-mail me
Joan Best Seamon
Pastoral Associate for Music
e-mail me
Nathalie Godet
Website & Bulletin Editor
e-mail me
Kelly Counts
e-mail me
Amy Hanna
Accountant/ Databases
e-mail me
Vinnie Natale
e-mail me
Mike Lanyi

Please email the above individuals with your questions. If you are unsure which person to contact, please call the parish office at 732-828-1400.

Maintenance Staff

Julio Montero
Maintenance Supervisor
Silvia Nizama
Anthony Baio

Parish Pastoral Council

The Parish Pastoral Council is the apex ministry of lay leadership committed to the collaborative work of building up the Body of Christ at St. Matthias. It is the most important advisory body of parishioners responsible for visioning and making recommendations to the pastor for the overall pastoral health of the parish.  Members serve a three year term with one third of the members retiring and one-third new members recruited each year in order to guarantee continuity and progress.

For 2023-2024, members are:

  • Fr. Lance McGrath (Ex-Officio)
  • Fr. Abraham Orapankal (Ex-Officio)

Parish Finance Council

The Parish Finance Council is a very important body of parishioners responsible for making recommendations to the pastor regarding the financial matters of the parish.  The Diocese of Metuchen has stipulated that the Parish Finance Council should review the financial condition of the parish, prepare the annual financial statement to be published for all parishioners to see, and advise the pastor on all aspects of taking care of the financial health of the parish.  If you have any questions or comments and would like to contact the Finance Council directly, you may send a confidential email message to the chair at: FinanceCouncil@stmatthias.net

For 2023-2024, members are:

  • Kester Hector, Chair
  • Barry Dusault
  • Joan Pritchard
  • Carmen Driz-Melilli
  • Mary Pat Burke-Grospin (Ex-Officio)
  • Fr. Abraham Orapankal (Ex-Officio)
  • Amy Hana (Accountant)

Parish Trustees

As per the guidelines of the Diocese of Metuchen, parishioners of good standing are to be appointed as Lay Trustees. They are responsible for reviewing and signing the annual financial report of the parish along with the pastor, after the Finance Council has reviewed it.

The present Trustees of St. Matthias Church are: Pearl Scott and Marge Richards.