13th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Dear Friends,

During our 60th Anniversary, we had conducted a parish survey. You may remember the findings published in our bulletin. There was an overwhelming desire from our parishioners to renovate and repair specific areas of our church building including the need for constructing a new bathroom. To fund these projects, we launched the “In Celebration of 60 Years, A Fundraiser for the Future of Our Church” on March 6, 2023, with the modest goal to raise $125,000, which was revised to $200,000. Months prior to that, a Fundraising Core Committee was formed with Joan Pritchard, Dolores Christmas, Edna Arguello- Hitchner as Co-Chairs, and Laura Beck, Santina Spinella and Joe Porter as members while Msgr. Seamus Brennan and Mary Pat Burke-Grospin were the staff representatives.

The Core Committee worked very hard and carried out all details of the fundraising, supported by the parish staff, especially Nathalie Godet, Vinnie Natale, Amy Hanna, and Mary Jo Loboda. The Committee created the fundraiser letters and donor contribution envelopes, planned and organized the major donor luncheon, prepared and followed up with a list of tasks to be initiated and completed, regularly updated the status of the contributions on the thermometer chart in the narthex, and held regular meetings for evaluations, updates and strategic planning. The Committee asked for a final wrap up and review meeting and it was held on February 8, 2024. They made a very professional evaluation. There was much satisfaction for the way the Committee did their job for the good of the parish, though they felt that some of the best practices they had recommended to me were not followed to their satisfaction. Though I had thanked them in that final meeting, I wish to place on record our sincere gratitude to the Core Committee for their commitment, enthusiasm and passion in fulfilling their role “In Celebration of 60 Years, A Fundraiser for the Future of Our Church.”

I am very happy to share with you all that the total contributions received as of June 2024 add up to $152,850.00, and the total invoices of projects cost add up to $86,937.00. As contributions are still trickling in, the final income and expense report will be shared later. We are happy that the following projects are already completed: Refinishing of the church pews, Construction of a new bathroom, Installation of church front entrance ramp, Renovation of the small bathroom, Installing two Adoring Angels, Installing two wood stands built with marble, Replacing sink in new bathroom with fabricated granite countertop, Diaper change station and switch change, and Installing rolling sun shades in the loft. There are more projects yet to be completed, including the following: Cleaning of the church walls and stations of the cross, Steam cleaning of all fabric covered church chairs and all carpet covered church floors, and Painting of aluminum front entrance ramp to reduce blinding glare.

As I express my gratitude once more to the Core Committee, our parishioners who contributed so generously to this effort deserve a very special thanks. I also wish to express my gratitude to Alma and Jaime Valdez, of JM Valdez Construction company, who not only constructed and renovated the bathrooms, but also generously donated their time and resources in this parish endeavor. The effect of everyone’s sacrificial giving is seen in the projects already completed as listed above. May the Lord who sees the generosity of the participants, bless them abundantly.

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal