17th Sunday in Ordinary Time


A Message From Our Pastoral Staff

Dear Friends,

Today on National Parent’s Day we recognize the invaluable role parents or guardians play in our lives. From a Catholic perspective, we acknowledge the sacred duty of parents to nurture their children’s faith, moral development, and to encourage a life of service. Parenting is both a privilege and an awesome responsibility. This day encourages us to appreciate the sacrifices parents make and the love they pour into our lives.

I am privileged to minister to and with many teens whose faith and values have been formed by their parents.  These adults have modeled compassion which their children have embodied through their own words and deeds. This past week four St. Matthias teens attended a week of service and retreat in Trenton.  Each day they tirelessly served the residents, and homeless population in various capacities.  Stay tuned to hear about their experiences and invaluable contributions to the community.

Notice in today’s Gospel it’s the contributions of the young boy that Jesus transformed into a miracle which fed many. Just as Jesus ensured nothing was wasted, parents strive to make the most of their efforts, leaving lasting impressions on their children’s lives. We also need in our lives mentors like Andrew, who noticed the boy and invited him to share his meager offerings. This week take time to pause and notice the young people around you. Invite and encourage them to be the positive difference in someone’s life.  Regardless of our age and limitations, we all desire to be recognized, and to accompany others so we can  make a difference.

When we trust God with our poverty, God can multiply it for a greater purpose whenever we surrender what little we have or might feel we are. Although many parents face financial, emotional, and physical challenges, they still sacrificially provide and their effects multiply. Just as Jesus’ sacrifice revealed the depth of his love, and  his miracles revealed His divinity, parent’s selfless acts reveal their extraordinary capacity for unconditional divine love.  I pray that by receiving Jesus in the Eucharist that you become more  fully alive -through one small act of love at a time.

Prayers for a Blessed Summer!

Deacon John


Please join us to celebrate Dee Nann on her retirement.


The noon Mass on Sunday, August 4th will be the farewell Mass for Dee Nann on her retirement after 27 years of ministry at St. Matthias.  Following the Mass, we will have the opportunity to personally offer her well wishes in the cafeteria over some light refreshments.

All are welcome to join us, especially our GIFT families and members of our small faith groups, as we thank Dee for her many years of dedicated service to our faith community.


Spread the Light! Our Christmas Tree Sponsorship is Back!

This year, St. Matthias will again celebrate the Christmas Season by illuminating our church and school property with beautiful, personalized, 5-6-foot, freshly-cut Christmas trees in the field next to the church, as we “Spread the Light”.  It is not too early to secure your family tree to honor your loved ones, family occasions or business. Join us by sponsoring a tree.  The cost remains at $200 per tree.  The deadline to sponsor a tree is Friday, October 11, 2024, since we need to pre-order the batch of trees. We have 280 trees to sponsor so order early and don’t miss out on this beautiful display that honors our loved ones and brings joy to our community. Click here for more details and to order a tree.

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

A Message From Our Pastoral Staff


Wouldn’t it be great if we had a GPS to guide us to heaven?  Sorry, that doesn’t exist. However, we have heard God through the Bible and from Jesus how this is possible.  God gave us the 10 Commandments as a very basic start.

I am the LORD your God. You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve.

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.

Honor your father and your mother.

You shall not kill.

You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not steal.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.

You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.”

The Ten Commandments are a description of the basic freedom from sin that is necessary to live as a Christian. Knowing this was not enough, God sent His only Son, Jesus, to give us ways to live.

To Love God and Love your neighbor.

To help us further, when He began His teaching, Jesus gave us, eight statements of correlating blessing, instruction, and promise, which have come to be known as the beatitudes.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be

satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the clean in heart, for they will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs

is the kingdom of heaven.

During his life on earth, Jesus instituted the Seven Sacraments for us:

Baptism-Holy Eucharist—Confirmation—Reconciliation–Healing of the Sick—Matrimony and Holy Orders.

Jesus, died on the cross for us, for the forgiveness of sin and to open the gates of heaven.

This is how we are able to get to heaven, to be with God who wants us to be happy with Him for all eternity.

Deacon Ron Caimi 




Many of you have probably noticed some changes on the wall behind the choir. We are making preparations for the installation of our new projection and live stream system this summer.  This plan was begun when Fr. Joe (Msgr. Curry) was with us. You may remember that we had focused on the Giving Tuesday contributions two years in a row for this media update. And we’re very excited to finally be completing this important project!

Though details of this project were published in the bulletin a few times, it is good to refresh our memory. The new livestream system includes two high-definition remote-controlled cameras and a video and sound mixing system that will greatly improve the video and sound quality of our livestream.  The projection system includes a 150” diagonal 16:9 screen and a 4K capable 8500 lumen laser projector.  This will vastly improve image brightness and contrast, so the system will be useful not only for live-streaming our liturgy but also for faith formation, GIFT sessions, and other parish events. Mr. Jeff Beck and Mr. Joe Mancuso have been working tirelessly on this project. We hope to see a very much improved experience of the media use in our church.

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time


A Message From a Member of Our Pastoral Staff

Dear Friends,

This year has been one of two major Milestones.

I celebrated my 75th Birthday and the 20th anniversary of my ordination to the Diaconate. 20 wonderful years of serving St Matthias. The turning of 75 also has a significance for the Diaconate. 75 Is the mandatory age for a Deacon to retire here in our Diocese. You either retire completely.. where you can do Baptisms etc. for only close relatives .. or if your Pastor approves you can continue as normal on a year-to-year basis. Father Abraham and I have agreed to continue on a year-to-year basis …and the Bishop has approved.

I want to talk about the call to serve The Lord. Before I was ordained there was a year of discernment and four years of studies before being ordained. I truly had to discern about my calling. Scripture has much to say about the different ways we may serve God. In Corinthians, we hear “Now there are a variety of gifts but the same Spirit. There are a variety of services but the same Lord. There are a variety of activities but it is the same God who empowers them to serve for the common good. In Peter 4: 10-11 we hear “As each had received a gift use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever serves as one who serves by the strength that God supplies… so that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.

The good news my brothers and sisters is that if we serve God by serving others then serving God can be done in almost every aspect of our lives. One of the ways we can serve the Lord is by being more involved with our St Matthias Church community. By sharing our gifts and talents with others enriches our lives. We have many ministries here at St Matthias that could surely use your gifts and talents. Each of us has a gift or talent that can be shared with others. Take some time during these summer months to sit with the Lord … to see where He may be calling you. Remember sometimes the call is a whisper. Also, know that I am available if you need any encouragement to join one of the ministries here at St. Matthias.

Yours in Christ,

Deacon Russ


14th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Dear Friends,

Happy July 4th to all! Our country was founded as one nation under God, in God we trust. John Quincy Adams, the 6th US president noted: “The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: It connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.” Sadly, today we don’t hear much about the spiritual foundation of our nation. It is not taught in many of our public schools anymore. As Christians, we need to be concerned about the efforts of militant secularists to take out any reference to God in American history and the erosion of Christian values in public life.  It is important for us all to remember that our Capitol abounds with Christian symbols and images.

Did you know:

  • Within the Capitol there are statues of Catholic priests and nuns, and medallions of Pope Innocent III and Pope Gregory IX.
  • On the first floor of the main Reading Room in the Library of Congress there is a statue of St. Paul.
  • In that Library there is a quote from the Book of Proverbs and a reference to God from Shakespeare.
  • There is a chapel in the U.S. Capitol. Prayer meetings for Senators and Congressmen are commonplace throughout.
  • Crucifixes abound in the Capitol.
  • On the front doors of the Capitol are pictures of Franciscans with rosaries.
  • There is a painting in the dome of the burial scene of Hernando De Soto depicting a Mass being celebrated; a priest is shown holding a crucifix during burial prayers.
  • In front of the Federal District Court, across from the National Gallery of Art, there is a depiction of pilgrims praying before a cross – a splendid recognition of religious liberty.
  • On the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 7th St. N.W. is the Temperance Fountain with the inscription of Temperance, Charity, Hope and Faith. Nearby is a quote from St. Paul.
  • Near the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, engraved on the sidewalk, there is the 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence Memorial with an inscription referencing “our firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.”
  • There is a frieze on the Supreme Court Building that depicts Moses.
  • The entrance court to the Supreme Court, made of oak, have the Ten Commandments engraved on each lower portion of each door.
  • Inside the Supreme Court, right above where the Justices sit, there is a display of Moses and the Ten Commandments.

If you wish to read more about these symbols, see ‘One Nation Under God: Religious Symbols, Quotes, and Images in Our Nation’s Capitol,’ by Fr. Eugene F. Hemrick. While we look with gratitude to the past to the freedom and liberties fought and won by the first generation Americans, may this July 4th be an occasion for us to look in faith to the future, and commit it and our lives to God and His will. The ancient words of the Psalmist are still true: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12).

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal


Twenty Three St. Matthias School Families Provided Financial Assistance.

The Tuition Angels Committee has wrapped up another year of tuition award assistance for students attending St. Matthias School.  For the school year beginning September 2024, twenty-three families will benefit from tuition assistance via this fund. The Tuition Angels Committee provides confidential assistance to parents who are struggling with tuition payments for their child/children to attend St. Matthias School. Many factors lead parents to seek financial assistance, such as loss of jobs, reduced work hours, and medical concerns.

All donations to Tuition Angels are provided by the generosity of our St. Matthias parishioners.

Currently, Tuition Angels funds are running low, and we ask for your prayerful consideration of donating to the Tuition Angels fund. If you, your family, or your children have benefited from Catholic education, at any level, you understand the lasting and positive effects of this experience. If you are the parent of a SMS graduate, please contact them, and ask them to donate, if they are able.

Graduates, parents of graduates, or parishioners who are able to, please donate to this parish managed, confidential fund. Your gift helps a family to continue to provide a strong, Catholic, Christ-centered education to a child.

You may donate through Parish Giving, online, with a check in the donation basket, or a donation mailed to the Parish Office. Simply indicate on the envelope that the donation is for “TUITION ASSISTANCE” and kindly make a note on the check memo line”.  You may make a one-time donation, or an ongoing regular contribution to the fund.

The school remains alive, and solid, with many new enrollees each year. We want to keep it that way.  Our school continues to be a nurturing, vibrant and essential part of our parish community. Your donations will help to assist this critical component.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration of the Tuition Angels fund.


13th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Dear Friends,

During our 60th Anniversary, we had conducted a parish survey. You may remember the findings published in our bulletin. There was an overwhelming desire from our parishioners to renovate and repair specific areas of our church building including the need for constructing a new bathroom. To fund these projects, we launched the “In Celebration of 60 Years, A Fundraiser for the Future of Our Church” on March 6, 2023, with the modest goal to raise $125,000, which was revised to $200,000. Months prior to that, a Fundraising Core Committee was formed with Joan Pritchard, Dolores Christmas, Edna Arguello- Hitchner as Co-Chairs, and Laura Beck, Santina Spinella and Joe Porter as members while Msgr. Seamus Brennan and Mary Pat Burke-Grospin were the staff representatives.

The Core Committee worked very hard and carried out all details of the fundraising, supported by the parish staff, especially Nathalie Godet, Vinnie Natale, Amy Hanna, and Mary Jo Loboda. The Committee created the fundraiser letters and donor contribution envelopes, planned and organized the major donor luncheon, prepared and followed up with a list of tasks to be initiated and completed, regularly updated the status of the contributions on the thermometer chart in the narthex, and held regular meetings for evaluations, updates and strategic planning. The Committee asked for a final wrap up and review meeting and it was held on February 8, 2024. They made a very professional evaluation. There was much satisfaction for the way the Committee did their job for the good of the parish, though they felt that some of the best practices they had recommended to me were not followed to their satisfaction. Though I had thanked them in that final meeting, I wish to place on record our sincere gratitude to the Core Committee for their commitment, enthusiasm and passion in fulfilling their role “In Celebration of 60 Years, A Fundraiser for the Future of Our Church.”

I am very happy to share with you all that the total contributions received as of June 2024 add up to $152,850.00, and the total invoices of projects cost add up to $86,937.00. As contributions are still trickling in, the final income and expense report will be shared later. We are happy that the following projects are already completed: Refinishing of the church pews, Construction of a new bathroom, Installation of church front entrance ramp, Renovation of the small bathroom, Installing two Adoring Angels, Installing two wood stands built with marble, Replacing sink in new bathroom with fabricated granite countertop, Diaper change station and switch change, and Installing rolling sun shades in the loft. There are more projects yet to be completed, including the following: Cleaning of the church walls and stations of the cross, Steam cleaning of all fabric covered church chairs and all carpet covered church floors, and Painting of aluminum front entrance ramp to reduce blinding glare.

As I express my gratitude once more to the Core Committee, our parishioners who contributed so generously to this effort deserve a very special thanks. I also wish to express my gratitude to Alma and Jaime Valdez, of JM Valdez Construction company, who not only constructed and renovated the bathrooms, but also generously donated their time and resources in this parish endeavor. The effect of everyone’s sacrificial giving is seen in the projects already completed as listed above. May the Lord who sees the generosity of the participants, bless them abundantly.

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal


We are sad to announce the passing of Fr. Henry

We are sad to announce the passing of Reverend Henry L. Hemmerling, a retired priest of our diocese. Fr. Henry served our parish as weekend associate for a few years. He died on Sunday, June 23, 2024 at the age of 88. Here’s more information from the Diocese:

“Father Hemmerling spent four years with the Trappists at St. Joseph’s Abbey in Spencer, Massachusetts before discerning diocesan priesthood, and was ordained on May 28, 1966.

He served at St. Francis of Assisi Parish (now Cathedral), Metuchen, St. Barnabas Parish, Bayville, St. Anthony of Padua, Hightstown, and St. Joan of Arc Parish, Marlton.  He served as Pastor at Sacred Heart Parish, South Plainfield, St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi Parish, Flemington, and Most Holy Redeemer Parish, Old Bridge.  He retired from active ministry in 2001.

Father Hemmerling’s body will be received by Rev. Chester H. Carina on Thursday, June 27, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. at Most Holy Redeemer Parish, 133 Amboy Road, Old Bridge Township.   Public visitation will take place in the church from 2 to 4 p.m., and from 6 to 6:45 p.m. Very Reverend Jonathan S. Toborowsky, VG will preside at the Mass of Commemoration at 7:00 p.m., with Rev. Msgr. Francis J. Duffy of the Diocese of Paterson the homilist.  On Friday, June 28, a viewing will take place from 9:30-10:45 a.m. in the church.  Then, at 11:00 a.m., Most Reverend James F. Checchio will celebrate the Mass of Christian Burial, with Rev. Chester H. Carina the homilist.  Interment will follow at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Totowa, NJ.”

We, here at St. Matthias, experienced his pastoral care, sense of humor and storytelling. We are grateful to God for his life and service.

Father Henry, may God our heavenly Father welcome you into His eternal kingdom, good and faithful servant of the Lord.

Rest in peace. AMEN