17th Sunday in Ordinary Time


A Message From Our Pastoral Staff

Dear Friends,

Today on National Parent’s Day we recognize the invaluable role parents or guardians play in our lives. From a Catholic perspective, we acknowledge the sacred duty of parents to nurture their children’s faith, moral development, and to encourage a life of service. Parenting is both a privilege and an awesome responsibility. This day encourages us to appreciate the sacrifices parents make and the love they pour into our lives.

I am privileged to minister to and with many teens whose faith and values have been formed by their parents.  These adults have modeled compassion which their children have embodied through their own words and deeds. This past week four St. Matthias teens attended a week of service and retreat in Trenton.  Each day they tirelessly served the residents, and homeless population in various capacities.  Stay tuned to hear about their experiences and invaluable contributions to the community.

Notice in today’s Gospel it’s the contributions of the young boy that Jesus transformed into a miracle which fed many. Just as Jesus ensured nothing was wasted, parents strive to make the most of their efforts, leaving lasting impressions on their children’s lives. We also need in our lives mentors like Andrew, who noticed the boy and invited him to share his meager offerings. This week take time to pause and notice the young people around you. Invite and encourage them to be the positive difference in someone’s life.  Regardless of our age and limitations, we all desire to be recognized, and to accompany others so we can  make a difference.

When we trust God with our poverty, God can multiply it for a greater purpose whenever we surrender what little we have or might feel we are. Although many parents face financial, emotional, and physical challenges, they still sacrificially provide and their effects multiply. Just as Jesus’ sacrifice revealed the depth of his love, and  his miracles revealed His divinity, parent’s selfless acts reveal their extraordinary capacity for unconditional divine love.  I pray that by receiving Jesus in the Eucharist that you become more  fully alive -through one small act of love at a time.

Prayers for a Blessed Summer!

Deacon John