Announcement From Msgr. Brennan


Dear Parishioners of Saint Matthias,

On March 7th, 2023 I celebrated my 75th birthday and on March 23rd I wrote a letter to Bishop Checchio requesting his approval and blessing on my retirement from active priestly ministry effective July 1st, 2023. Bishop Checchio has approved my decision and so June 30th will be my last day serving as Senior Priest at Saint Matthias. On July 1st I will enter into full retirement and will move to Saint James Church in Basking Ridge. The pastor, Msgr. Sylvester Cronin has extended an invitation to me for the last two years letting me know I was welcome to live with him in retirement. In addition to the pastor, there is an associate, a retired priest from Newark, and a seminarian living at the rectory. So we will be a small community of five people living at the parish.

In retirement I will still continue some priestly ministry, but on a limited basis. If requested I will assist with some weekend Masses, funerals, or even some weekday Masses.

I am deeply grateful to Father Abraham and the people of Saint Matthias, for the welcome you have given me over the past two years. I moved into Saint Matthias in February 2021, though I did not begin ministry officially until July 1, 2021. So it will be exactly 2 years I have served here as Senior Priest and I have enjoyed my time here and the people I have met. Father Abraham has been most thoughtful and a joy to live with. I am grateful to the deacons and the staff of the parish who have shown such kindness and consideration to me and my needs. I am also thankful to Bishop Checchio for allowing me to serve here as Senior Priest.

I must confess I am looking forward to retirement as my energy level has certainly begun to wane. I hope to be able to play some golf (though even that has to be limited to allow time for recovery), and perhaps a little travel, especially back to Ireland to visit family and friends. I already have plans to visit Ireland in July.

I have assured Father Abraham that he can call me if he needs some help from time to time and I will do all in my power to assist, if possible. Please be assured of a remembrance in my prayers and masses and I ask the same of you. We are one in Christ and especially in the Eucharist. During this year of Eucharistic Revival let us pray for each other and our church that we may truly become one in Christ.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Msgr. Seamus F Brennan