ATTENTION – All High School SMYLE members!

“Fully Alive – National Catholic Youth Conference – November 16-19th – NCYC 2023

In our second reading from St. Paul, we hear “Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.”

If you are in high school reading this, or know someone who is, I have the perfect opportunity for any high-school teen to “be transformed”!

In November, the National Catholic Youth Conference will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana from November 16-19th. The theme for NCYC 2023 is *Fully Alive*

The estimated cost is $1,100 which includes airfare, event fee, hotel (4 teens/room), meals, transportation, and T-shirts. (Students will miss 2 days of school).

If you’re interested in learning more about this exciting trip, please send an email to by September 10th. The total cost is $1,100.00.

Each student will only have to pay 50% ($550) in two installments. To reserve a spot, the first payment ($275) is due Sept 10th. The final payment ($275) is due Sept 17th which is when we’ll actually book the airline, hotel, and pay the conference fee. We’ll be traveling with 8 youth and 2 chaperones from St. Joseph parish in Hillsborough.

The remaining $550 per person will be paid through fundraising (bake sales, etc.) and any donations offered by our generous parishioners.

I encourage you to support our youth through your monetary donations and/or prayers.

If we have enough replies, we’ll let you know next steps – including fundraising possibilities, and a required pre-travel meeting for teens and parents.

If anyone really wants to attend, but has financial concerns, please still email

Deacon John


For a preview: