60th Anniversary Fundraiser

Dear Fellow Parishioners and Friends,

The 60th Anniversary Fundraising team and Father Abraham would like to express our sincere gratitude to all who have already donated to this special fundraiser to repair, renovate, and restore our Church.

A donation progress thermometer, donation envelopes, and a fundraiser information letter are available in the church vestibule. Donation envelopes are also available at all the Church exits. Information regarding the ways you can donate is also provided.

With your support, we are confident that we will raise the funds needed to complete these projects. If you have any questions, please call Mary Jo Loboda at the parish office at 732-828-1400.

For more information about the 60th Anniversary Fundraising please visit: www.stmatthias.net/60fund

Palm Sunday of the Passion of The Lord


Dear Friends,

I read this story about comedian Yakov Smirnoff, a Ukrainian-American comedian, actor and writer who began his career as a stand-up comedian in the Soviet Union. When he first came to the US, he was not prepared for the incredible variety of instant products available in American grocery stores.  He says, “On my first shopping trip, I saw powdered milk–you just add water, and you get milk.  Then I saw powdered orange juice–you just add water, and you get orange juice.  And then I saw baby powder, and I thought to myself, What a country!” 

Smirnoff is joking but we could be making these assumptions about Christian Transformation. We go to church as if we are going to the grocery store: Powdered Christian.  Just add water and disciples are born not made.  Unfortunately, there is no such powder and disciples of Jesus Christ are not instantly born.  We must understand what it means to be a disciple. Does this mean that we should deny ourselves and take up the cross?  YES, many times we are called to do that because that is exactly what Jesus said and did!

Today we are beginning the most Holy Week of the liturgical year and the three holiest days of this week are called the “Sacred Paschal Triduum.” Last Sunday in the bulletin, Msgr. Brennan had explained beautifully the theological and practical meaning of these most holy three days and invited us all to attend these celebrations filled with Scriptures, symbols and rites that touch us and enrich us spiritually.

I too invite us all to come and celebrate this unfathomable love of God for each one of us during the Triduum. Join the Church services of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil/Sunday. Keep the schedule handy on your refrigerator or mark those events on your calendar. We will grow in greater knowledge of our faith when we attend these liturgical services.

Our wonderful choir has been practicing for these services. I have been enjoying the preview of what they have in store for us this holy week. The sacrifice these talented and committed music ministers of our parish has been making, under the leadership of our wonderfully gifted Joan Seamon, will fill us all with a prayerful taste of soul-filling and inspirational music.   Come as a family and let this week help you grow closer to Jesus Christ who loves each one of us so much: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life” (John. 3:16).

May He enrich us and bless us.

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal


Dear Friends,

What is the proof of the Resurrection of Jesus? Is the empty tomb all we can show as proof? Searching for his body, the disciples were told: “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” (Matthew 28:6). Then, he appeared to so many! He is alive! He is risen! He is with us! He is our light and hope! We too have come into light now that we have practically come out of our prolonged pandemic struggles. I invite us all to attend our Holy Week services and celebrate the good news of the Resurrection!

Happy Easter!

Fr. Abraham

Saturday, April 1st
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Individual confessions)
3:00 – 4:30 PM
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Vigil Mass—5:00 PM

Sunday, April 2nd
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 Noon
Parish Reconciliation Service—6:00 PM

Tuesday, April 4th
Chrism Mass at St. Francis Cathedral—4:00 PM

Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper—7:30 PM
Combined Choir
Procession and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Night Prayer (Cafeteria) – 10:45 PM

GOOD FRIDAY, April 7th
Morning Prayer (Church) – 8:30 AM
Outdoor Stations (SMS parking lot) – 2:00 PM
Children’s Choir
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion—7:30 PM
Combined Choir

Morning Prayer (Church) – 8:30 AM
Blessing of Food (Cafeteria) – 12:00 Noon
Great Easter Vigil – 8:00 PM
Combined Choir

Mass Schedule
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 12:00 Noon
Combined Choir at 10:00 AM
Handbell Choir at 12:00 PM

No Mass

Fifth Sunday of Lent


The Sacred Paschal Triduum

After Christmas, Easter and holy week are probably a favorite time of year for most Catholics. And for many the three days, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday stand out in a special way. These days are known in the church as The Sacred Paschal Triduum, this year falling on April 6, 7 and 8. On these days the church celebrates the Last Supper on Holy Thursday, in which Jesus gave us the Eucharist; the Crucifixion and Death of Christ on Good Friday and his Resurrection from the dead with the first mass of Easter on Holy Saturday night.

But what do the liturgies of the triduum really celebrate? Many people think of these celebrations as some type of recalling or re-enactment of the historical events of the end of Jesus’ life. But these celebrations are not about history but rather about Mystery. The liturgies of these days do not take us back to the upper room or to the garden of Gethsemane or to Calvary or to Easter morning to witness the empty tomb. Our celebrations are not about what once happened to Jesus 20 centuries ago but what is happening in his mystical body the church today. You and I, baptized into Christ and the church, gifted with the Spirit, gather in faith with our brothers and sisters and offer our thanksgiving in and through Christ who is risen and living among us. Through His death and resurrection and sending of His Spirit God has taken possession of our hearts and molds us into the likeness of His son. We are a broken, sinful people who are loved and forgiven and called to holiness and truth. The mass and these special liturgical celebrations are about what Christ is doing today in your life and mine .The sacred paschal triduum shines as the high point of the liturgical year.

Unfortunately many Catholics have seldom or never participated in any of the celebrations of these special days. I invite you to consider taking part in some or all of the celebrations of these days. In addition to the richness of the scripture readings and the special music there are other rich symbols like the washing of feet, presentation of the Holy Oils, Veneration of the Cross and the lighting and blessing of the Easter fire and the paschal candle, Baptism of the Elect, adults who have made the decision to become members of the catholic church. Elsewhere in this bulletin and on our website you will find further information and the schedule for each of these special days. I look forward to seeing you during the Sacred Paschal Triduum or at least for holy mass on Easter Sunday. Happy Easter.

Msgr Brennan

All Are Welcome to Attend an April 22nd Diocesan-Wide Morning of Reflection Here at St. Matthias


The Diocese of Metuchen’s Office of Multicultural Ministry is holding a Day of Reflection for Black Catholics on Saturday, April 22, 2023, in preparation for the National Black Catholic Congress to be held July 20-23, 2023. The theme is “Write the Vision: A Prophetic Call to Thrive”. Representatives from the different Black Catholic Communities are invited to attend the Day of Reflection on April 22nd which will be held at St. Matthias Parish in Somerset, NJ from 8:30 am to 12 pm.

Please note that registration for the April 22nd Day of Reflection is open to all, not just Black Catholics, although the topics will be focused on issues most relevant to Black Catholics in preparation for the Congress.

There will be no charge to attend, but registration is required please visit: www.diometuchen.org/2023nbc

To learn more about the National Black Catholic Congress 2023, please visit the National Black Catholic Congress website: nbccongress.org.

Fourth Sunday of Lent


Dear Friends,

Welcome back to Msgr. Brennan who had gone to Ireland when he got the sad news of his sister’s passing away. He is grateful to our community for remembering Brigid during our Prayers of Intercession at all our weekend Masses and for the loving support we offered him.

We know that the feast of St. Joseph is on March 19 [today]; but this year it is postponed to March 20 [tomorrow], because it is falling on a Sunday, the Lord’s Day. As I discussed last week in this column, some traditions are changeable with the changing situations. Thus the doctrine on St. Joseph and the honor we give him with a Solemn Feast can be seen as Primary Traditions that will not be changed; but the date to celebrate this Solemn Feast can be considered as Secondary tradition and so can be changed if a need arises as it happened this year.

This reminds me to share with you another question that we priests are asked often: What to do with old and unusable sacred items? Many people have holy objects like broken rosaries, holy cards, statues, pictures of Jesus and saints, etc., remaining in a clutter box in many houses, in a state of permanent limbo as people don’t know how to dispose of these items. Some do have an attachment to these sacred objects, even if they are broken or unused. But many, in my understanding, hold on to broken or unused holy items due to unspoken guilt. A fear that something can happen if they simply discard these sacred items.  People fear that something can go wrong if they fail to handle these religious items properly.

The Church does provide guidance on this. The rule of thumb for the disposition of these items is that anything that has been blessed should be burned or simply buried. Now, If you’re reading this and feel anxious about the palms, rosaries, and prayer cards you’ve thrown away over the years, there’s no need to lose sleep over it.

One important thing we need to understand is this: all sacred objects are means to an end. They are tools for our spiritual growth. If the water flow in our faucet is faulty, we call the plumber who will replace the parts or the pipe. The old parts and pipes will be discarded. God uses created things as channels of grace. That means grace is coming to us through these channels from Jesus Christ who is the source of our life-giving water, as he told the Samaritan woman: “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” (John 4:11). Therefore, if these channels or tools are no more usable, they need to be discarded.

I liked this explanation from the Diocese of Superior in Wisconsin: “It is not a sin to throw away blessed items, but out of proper respect, one should dispose of them in this way. If devotionals have not been blessed, such as some of the holy cards and such that come through the mail, those are simply pictures and can be thrown away. If you feel uncomfortable throwing them away, you can burn or bury them as well.”

Jesus said: “Know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32). May we all seek the truth and experience true freedom in Jesus Christ. His truth will bring us true joy. And, today is “Laetare Sunday” when the Church is inviting us to be joyful in anticipation of the approaching celebration of Easter.

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal

Third Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends,

This coming Friday is the feast of St. Patrick, “when everyone is Irish,” celebrating the saint who plucked a shamrock from the ground and used it, with its three leaves in one plant, to explain the Mystery of the Trinity – three Persons in one God.

Interestingly, this year, this feast falls on a Friday in Lent! So what about the corn beef dinner without which St. Patrick’s Day is incomplete? Don’t worry, our Bishop has already announced the dispensation so you may enjoy corned beef (or other meat) that day and abstain from meat on another day that same week. That brings us to an important discussion about the meaning of Tradition. When Catholic Church gives so much importance to Tradition, can we easily change the hallowed tradition of abstaining from meat on a Friday of Lent, or any other tradition?

It depends on your understanding of tradition. All traditions are not of equal value. We need to distinguish between Primary Traditions (with a capital T) and Secondary traditions (with a small case t). Primary Traditions are those fundamental beliefs and practices that constitute who we are as Catholics. Some examples are belief in the Holy Trinity, Pope as the Vicar of Christ, Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, Immaculate Conception, etc. These are non-negotiable. While examples of Secondary traditions are days of fasting and abstinence, Holy Days of Obligation, devotions like rosary, novena, etc. These can be changed or suspended as per the decision of the conference of Bishops. So the dispensation given for the feast of St. Patrick’s day when it falls on a Friday in Lent is precisely because it is a secondary tradition.

It is also good to point out that the feast of St. Joseph on March 19th  (which is a higher ranking feast in the Liturgical calendar in comparison to
St. Patrick’s) is moved to March 20th this year. Why? When it falls on a Sunday, the priority is given to the feast of our Lord (which every Sunday is) and so the feast of St. Joseph is celebrated a day later.

This is a big Feast for Italians because in the Middle Ages, God, through St. Joseph’s intercession, saved the Sicilians from a very serious drought. So in his honor, the custom has been for all to wear red, in the same way that green is worn on St. Patrick’s Day. In many parishes with large Italian population, a big altar (“la tavola di San Giuse” or “St. Joseph’s Table”) is laden with food that people bring to be blessed by the priest on the feast day and to have a big feast day meal. I myself have blessed baskets of food that Italian families bring in every parish I have served.

These celebrations do not take away the penitential spirit of Lent. The sacrifices we make, the extra devotions we practice are all meant to bring us to a joyful connection to the Lord. In the Lenten Preface of the Mass we hear: “Each year You give us this joyful season when we prepare to celebrate the paschal mystery with mind and heart renewed.” In fact, next Sunday is called ‘Laetare Sunday’ because we focus on Christian joy in the Mass.
Let us continue and complete this joyful season of Lent!

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal

St. Matthias is a Proud Sponsor of Empty Bowls

The Catholic Community of St. Matthias is proud to be a sponsor of the 5th annual Empty Bowls being held on March 26, 2023, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM at the Doubletree Hotel and Conference Center located at 200 Atrium Drive, Somerset, New Jersey. All are welcome to attend, this is a family-friendly event!

Empty Bowls is a grassroots effort to raise both money and awareness in the fight to end hunger, personalized by artists and art organizations on a community level.

With your ticket purchase, guests choose a handmade bowl to keep and enjoy food from local restaurants.

All proceeds are given to the Franklin Food Bank which provides groceries to our neighbors with dignity and respect.

For more information or to register for this event, visit: https://franklinfoodbank.org/empty-bowls-2023/



Join us on Fridays during Lent in Church at 7:00 PM. The Stations are a devotion intended to help us follow Jesus on his way to Calvary.

By accompanying him on the Way of the Cross, we see ourselves mirrored in him, gain his courageous patience, & learn to trust God who is with us no matter what we have to go through. Each Friday we have a different theme with beautiful reflections, led by our different ministries. Welcome to pray this ancient devotion of the church.

Second Sunday of Lent


Dear Friends,

On March 27, 2020, at an early point in the global pandemic, Pope Francis walked alone in the rain across an empty St. Peter’s Square to offer prayer for the world in a time of crisis. “Faith,” he said, “begins when we realize we are in need of salvation. We are not self-sufficient; by ourselves we flounder: we need the Lord, like ancient navigators needed the stars.” Recalling when Jesus was asleep in the boat as a tempest was raging (Mark 4:35-41), the Holy Father said, “The Lord awakens so as to reawaken and revive our Easter faith.” On that day, Pope Francis presided over the rite of Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction in order to focus our attention on the presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. The Pope was reminding us that even in a time of turbulence and crisis, Jesus is present among us, as present as he was long ago in the boat on the Sea of Galilee.

This presence of Jesus, the Real Presence, that we experience in a very tangible way is when we all gather for the Eucharist daily but especially on Sundays. I am sure you heard that the US Catholic Bishops have called for a three-year National Eucharistic Revival, which aims to renew devotion and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, This initiative has three phases: the national phase, the diocesan phase and the parish phase. At the moment we are in the diocesan phase which will come to an end with the Corpus Christi Sunday on June 11, 2023 when the parish phase will begin. This Revival will culminate with a National Eucharistic Congress, in Indianapolis, July 17-21, 2024. The year after that is the ‘Year of going out on Mission.’ Having enkindled a missionary fire in the hearts of the American faithful, the Holy Spirit will send us out on mission to share the gift of our Eucharistic Lord as we enter the universal Church’s jubilee year in 2025. The Bishops have written a beautiful document titled “The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church” which is worth reading and studying.

Our Diocese of Metuchen has suggested that we form a parish committee to make the parish phase more participatory and beneficial. I wish to invite individuals who wish to be part of this committee to contact me or Msgr. Brennan. No qualifications necessary. Just a desire to deepen our faith in the Eucharist and an interest to promote the Eucharistic understanding and implications to our parish community. There will be guidance from us as well as from our Diocesan Office.

There are already many resources that all of us can easily access:

Start reading the USCCB’s article: https://eucharisticrevival.org

Have a look at the free study guide at: https://reviveparishes.com/eucharist Also you can watch a free two-hour online course, presented by Bishop Andrew Cozzens, on the Bishops’ document on the Eucharist.

This is a chance for our whole parish to take a fresh look at our Holy Eucharist which the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1324-1327) describes as “the source and summit” of the Christian life. We will certainly gain new appreciation and insights into what we celebrate and who we receive in Holy Communion, Jesus Christ, the Lord of our life.


Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal