Yesterday we received information that our Bishop has directed all the parishes to take up a special Ash Wednesday collection. Though a short notice, it is for helping Ukraine and the surrounding countries of Eastern Europe with humanitarian aid. Hence please bring your contribution to church this Sunday or bring/mail it to the parish. If a check, you can make it out either to St. Matthias Church OR to the Diocese of Metuchen, but with Ash Wednesday Collection in the memo line.  You may also Text-to-Give on your phone by texting smukraine to 44-321, and using your credit card or bank account.

Kindly click here for the letter from the Diocese.

To view a video of the Major Archbishop of Kyiv (with English subtitles) recorded on Sunday, February 27, in Kyiv, go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nF9y2lMrIA&t=272s

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends,

Listening Sessions for Synod: Some of our parishioners were able to attend the deanery ‘Listening Session’ in Somerville on 2/18/22, in preparation for the worldwide “Synod on Synodality.” It was a very special experience. As announced, I wish to offer more of our parishioners that opportunity, and that is why we will have two listening sessions here at St. Matthias. One will be via zoom at 7 pm on Thursday, March 3. The other will be in person at 10 am on Saturday, March 5, in the Cafeteria. Kindly register for the one you wish to attend (see links on page 1). In case you are unable to attend these, you are still most welcome to send in your answers to the questions online at: www.stmatthias.net/synod-2023

Lent is upon us! You have been hearing about preparing for Lent. Contrary to some misconceptions, Lent is not a time for self-punishment or condemnation, but a time to concentrate on fundamental values and priorities. If Lent is a season of preparation leading up to Easter, then the focus is on the new life that is our guarantee through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. During Lent we make a self-examination to see how we are faring in our efforts to achieve that new life. It is interesting that ‘Lent’ comes from the old English word ‘Lente’ meaning spring. As we do a spring cleaning, Lent is a time for spiritual cleaning. How do you do that? The Church offers various opportunities:

1. Ash Wednesday: On this first day of Lent, we are reminded of our fallen nature; that we are fallible human beings who have made wrong choices that hurt us and others in our life. Yet we are not without hope, because the grace of God gives us a second chance to reform. This is symbolized by the ashes that will be imposed on us with the words, “Repent and believe the good news,” or “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.” See page 7 or our website for our Ash Wednesday schedule.

2. Stations of the Cross or Way of the Cross: This is a prayerful biblical meditation of 14 incidents from the Gospel accounts and traditions of the journey of Jesus from Pilate’s house to being placed in the tomb. Let us do it on Lenten Fridays.

3. LIVE LENT! This week, many of our parishioners will begin this wonderful experience of Bible sharing in small groups six times during the six weeks of Lent. If you have not signed up yet, you are welcome to do so now.

4. I would also like to recommend a Bible Conference offered online by the famous Augustine Institute, on Saturday, March 5, exploring the graces of this penitential season in Scripture and Tradition. This three hour conference is free and open to all. Go to this link to register: https://bibleconference.augustineinstitute.org

These and other possibilities are worth considering doing. You will be amazed at the positive spiritual benefits. Thus we can make Lent a meaningful time of spring cleaning for our souls and you will see what a great difference it will make in all of our lives.

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal

Participate in a Synod 2021-2023 Listening Session at St. Matthias


People all around the world are participating in these Listening Sessions and your input, along with those of others, will be the focus of the upcoming Synod at the Vatican. Let’s walk together as a church listening to the Holy Spirit. St. Matthias is offering two Listening Sessions. This is YOUR chance to listen to fellow parishioners and to share your thoughts and questions about our church and how the Holy Spirit is guiding us.
All are welcome

To participate, please register for either session as soon as possible at:

1. Via zoom: on Thursday March 3, at 7 pm.
To register for the ZOOM Session on Thursday, March 3 at 7 pm, please click here.

2. In Person: on Saturday March 5, at 10 am in the cafeteria.
To register for the IN-PERSON Session on Saturday, March 5 at 10 am in the cafeteria, please click here.

In case you are unable to attend these, you are still most welcome to send in your answers to the questions online. Click here to fill out the St. Matthias Synod 2023 survey



In each of the eight deaneries in the Diocese of Metuchen, a Synod Listening Session will be held in order that we may respond to the Holy Father’s call to journey together, to engage in dialogue with one another, and to listen to what the Lord is asking of us.
To view the list of hosting parishes, visit: https://diometuchen.org/synodlisteningsessions

SMS Fish Fry-days at Twenty/20 Taphouse During Lent

Join us for Fish Fry-days at Twenty/20 Taphouse on Fridays during the Lenten season.

Dinner includes: beer battered cod, french fries, and coleslaw.  The cost is $18.00.

Present this flyer to your server  for a portion of the proceeds raised to go towards St. Matthias School.
Take-Out is available, simply call to order.

Twenty/20 Taphouse
18 Cedar Grove Lane
Somerset, NJ 08873

Catholic Sisters Week

Catholic Sisters Week will take place March 8-14. Our Sisters Marie Therese and Maria, are joining their community, the school sisters of St. Francis of the United States Province, in bringing awareness to the plight of hunger in our local areas. During this week, Srs. Marie Therese and Maria are inviting parishioners to make a financial online donation to the Franklin Food bank, which serves so many families in our neighborhoods, by visiting:

Catholic Sisters Week Fundraiser

Please be sure to include that you are from St. Matthias Parish so we will be able to see the total amount contributed that week.

On behalf of all our Sisters. We thank you for joining us in helping to alleviate hunger among those who are poor and in need: “Whatever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto ME”.

God bless you for your generous hearts,

Sisters Marie Therese and Maria, OSF

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends,

It is becoming increasingly common knowledge that the generations being raised up now are dissociating themselves from any religious group. We see this reflected in fewer sacraments being received, poor Mass attendance, and parish closures. In a Pew Research article the top reasons the “nones” cite for labeling themselves as “nones” include “I question a lot of religious teachings” (51-77%), “I don’t like the positions churches take on social/political issues” (47-54%), and “Religion is irrelevant to me” (26-63%).

Often parishioners have told me, I don’t know how to answer when my children or my co-workers ask me about the Bible or the why of certain Catholic practices. Well, we have answers, but we don’t know. That’s why our parish is offering many opportunities to equip ourselves for this mission. LIVE LENT! is one such. Here are feedbacks from some of our own parishioners who participated in an earlier season of Bible sharing in small groups:

“I appreciate the awakening that takes place during faith sharing. Keep it going!!!!!”
“It satisfied my hunger for spiritual nourishment.”
“A very friendly, intimate feeling. We shared our beliefs, struggles, and hopes for a more productive Lenten experience.”
“It was interesting to hear what others in my group thought about the reading, their views and opinions. I felt that I got more from that about the gospel than just listening to the gospel as Mass.”
“This made my Lenten journey much more meaningful and focused.”
“We get so much from each weekly gathering.”
“It strengthens us for the week.”
“We learn from the readings and each other.”
“Not having prep work/homework helps me to feel comfortable, to participate.”
“I learned so much more about the Scripture.”
“The fellowship was terrific.”
“Now I have a name for the people I knew just by face.”
“The Sunday Mass has become more meaningful to me.”
“I am able to relate to my family with more love and understanding.”

How wonderful it will be if more of our parishioners can experience the same! That is why I am once again inviting us all to consider joining a small group this Lent. This week is the right time to sign up as the first session will begin next week. There is no expense either, since the Bible lessons will be sent online, though a printed copy can be obtained at a nominal cost.

This is a process of spiritual renewal and evangelization that invites people to develop a closer relationship with Christ, deepen their faith, grow in community, and reach out in service to others. Don’t you wish to be part of this noble goal? Try it for this Lent, and you will be surprised at the spiritual benefits that will make you happier and a better person. You will be proud of yourself for deciding to learn more about the Word of God this Lent. To sign up online, go to: https://forms.gle/FYvnjMbqD8yGmZYB8

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal

The 2022 Bishop’s Annual Appeal

Continuing to Fan the Flame of Faith into Service

You may have already received a letter from Bishop Checchio, announcing the 2022 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Our parish can share in a successful Appeal by earning a rebate of 50% of the amount collected over goal. Through your support of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal you help those in our diocese whose needs are the greatest – the poor, the homeless, and those struggling with illness or grief. Among other needed pastoral ministries, your gift also supports the formation of seminarians and enhances the work of the Vicariate for Evangelization and Communication. The many pastoral, educational and charitable ministries of the Diocese of Metuchen would not be possible without a generous contribution from every household. Please be as generous as your means allow.

For more info and to watch a video of our Bishop on this project, please go to: https://diometuchen.org/baa

Celebrating BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2022 at St. Matthias

The St. Martin de Porres Society is pleased to invite all to celebrate Black History Month in our parish. Be sure to check out our bulletin (page 8) every week throughout the month of February where we Honor the Past, Celebrate the Present, And Inspire the Future.  Here is what else you can expect in the month of February:

Mass in celebration of Black History Month: February 19, 2022, 5:00PM


Faith and Racial Justice Series Kickoff from the Just Faith Network facilitated by the St. Matthias Racial Justice Initiative Core Group.

Space is limited. Registration required at St. Matthias: Faith and Racial Equity Series by justfaith.org.

The program schedule (subject to adjustment) is as follows:

  • Opening Retreat (via Zoom ) Saturday, February 19, 2022, 9:00 AM – Noon
  • Sessions 1-8 (2/26, 3/12, 3/26, 4/9, 4/23, 5/14, 5/28, 6/11,   9:00 – 11:30 AM (via Zoom for now)
  • Immersion Experience -TBD

Cost to attend the program is free. Cost of books/materials (2-3 books) is not free; however, copies are available for loan from the Parish Office or you can purchase your own new or used online. To register please click here.

For more information contact parish facilitators —Neil Purcell, Kerry Millan, Janice Regan or Christine Grippo at matthiasracialjustice@gmail.com, or Phyllis Stone (President of St. Martin de Porres Society) in the Parish Office,  (732) 828-1400, ext 127.


SMDP Society Black History Month Symposium on Critical Race Theory and Catholic Education “CRITICAL RACE THEORY: What is it? What it’s not. What does it mean for Christian education?”

Featuring Parishioner Sandra M. Donnay, Ph.D, Founder: Racial Equity Initiative (Moderator)


Reverend Danté R. Quick, Ph.D., Senior Pastor of 1st Baptist of Lincoln Gardens (Guest) on February 28th at 7:00 PM via Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9702883550 Meeting ID: 970 288 3550


Happy Black History Month!

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends,

Three related observances are happening this week:

National Marriage Week (Feb 7-14): This week draws our attention to the beauty of marriage. The theme selected by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops for National Marriage Week 2022 is “Called to the Joy of Love,” referring to Pope Francis’2016 Encyclical on the family Amoris Laetitia. The theme was chosen to highlight the many ways that married couples and families are accompanied by the Church to live out the call of love. National Marriage Week was started to honor husbands and wives for their never-ending sacrifices and faithfulness that hold these unions together.

World Marriage Day (Feb 13): began in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 1981 and grew out of the experience of couples engaged in the “Worldwide Marriage Encounter,” a movement founded in Spain — “Encuentro Conyugal” — by the late Father Gabriel Calvo (1927-2021), who devoted his entire priestly ministry (1952-2021) to the pastoral care of married couples and families. “There is within each couple,” he reflected, “a divine energy of love. It has to be released by a deep sharing between husband and wife, through the communication of their feelings and of the whole of their lives together. It cannot be done in just one moment.” Pope St. John Paul II imparted his apostolic blessing to “World Marriage Day” in 1993.

Valentine’s Day (Feb 14): One of the most romantic days of the year, Valentine’s Day, has a Catholic connection. Saint Valentine, officially known as Saint Valentine of Rome, is a third-century Roman saint widely celebrated on February 14 and commonly associated with “courtly love.” One of the many legends about him, says that he refused to sacrifice to pagan gods, was imprisoned and while imprisoned he healed the jailer’s blind daughter. On the day of his execution, he left the girl a note signed, “Your Valentine.” His feast day came to be dedicated to love, and people observed it by writing love letters and sending gifts to their beloved.

These three observances invite us to promote marriage and love. We know that the number of marriages have fallen drastically in recent decades due to cultural and attitudinal changes. While the Catholic church is at the forefront of promoting marriage and family, I was happily surprised to find great support for the same from certain unexpected quarters:

Time Magazine: “…We should provide the facts about the importance of marriage as a matter of child welfare and economic aspiration. As a society, we have launched highly effective public education campaigns on much less momentous issues, from smoking to recycling… For now, the decline of marriage is our most ignored national crisis…”

Fox News: “The Brookings Institution says that if we had the marriage rate today that we had in 1970, there would be a 25 percent drop in poverty. The Heritage
Foundation says that marriage drops the probability of a child living in poverty by 82 percent.”

Newsweek Magazine: “National Marriage Week presents a chance to focus on rebuilding a culture of marriage for this generation.”

May such support for marriage and family spread more and more. As we appreciate and encourage all our married couples, we pray for God’s blessings to enable them to continue the path of love and unity despite the many challenges they face.

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal

Night of Winners 2022— Viva St. Matthias!

Saturday, February 26, 2022 Registration & Basket Raffle
To Buy Your Tickets NOW Click Here!

Don’t miss out on the great prizes to be raffled off at the Night of Winners! We still have seats available to participate in-person or virtually. This is the school’s largest fundraiser of the year and we need everyone’s support. Help us make it a great success and join in the fun!

This year’s event has two options: In-Person and Virtual. You must be 18 years or older to participate. Only 200 tickets will be sold for in-person, so register TODAY! The in-person event begins at 6pm. Doors open at 5:30pm. Everyone must wear a mask when they are not seated at their table.

The Virtual (YouTube Live Stream) event will start at 8 pm on Saturday. Virtual participants must be available (or designate a representative) to put their tickets in the basket bins in the School Cafeteria on Saturday, 02/26/22 from 9am-4pm. All persons entering the building must wear a mask at all times. The baskets will be on display in the cafeteria. Additional Basket Raffle Tickets and Super Cash 50/50 Tickets will also be for sale during the ticket drop time.

Questions? Contact Melissa Garlatti, stmatthiasnow@gmail.com