The St. Matthias 2024 Mass Book is Open!

There are NEW Mass Intentions Guidelines this year.

Mass Intentions: It is an ancient and noble practice to pray for the living and the dead during Mass. The greatest and most powerful prayer we have is the Mass, since the fruits of the Mass are the very fruits of Jesus’ redemption made present to us. Therefore, so many of us seek to book a Mass intention for our loved ones, living or deceased.

A Mass intention may be requested for: a deceased loved one; a living person who is sick or suffering; a living person who is celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or other special moment in their life; in thanksgiving to God (including the Lord Jesus or the Holy Spirit); in thanksgiving for a favor received through the intercession of a Blessed or a Saint; or for a prayer intention (so long as the intention does not contradict Church teaching).

In our parish, there are many requests for scheduling Mass intentions. Our 2024 Book of Mass Intentions will be opened on Monday, October 16, 2023, at 8:30 AM in the Parish Office. To accommodate our parishioners, we will continue the limit of four (4) Masses – two (2) weekday Masses and a maximum of two (2) Weekend Masses. You can return on or after November 15 for additional Mass requests. Here are the details of the different kinds of Mass intentions:

Announced Weekday Mass Intentions: The suggested stipend for weekday Mass remains the same: $10.00. The intention will be printed in the bulletin and announced during Mass. Please be sure to indicate if the person for whom the Mass requested is living (L) or deceased (D).

Announced Weekend Mass Intentions: The suggested stipend for Weekend Mass is $15.00. The intention will be printed in the bulletin and announced at Mass. Please be sure to indicate if the person for whom the Mass requested is living (L) or deceased (D).

Multiple Intentions: With increasing requests for additional Mass intentions during unforeseen special occasions such as death, month’s mind, etc., it is a pastoral practice to better accommodate such needs of our parishioners by allowing additional intentions with the existing intention for the Mass.  In such cases, we will be accepting only two (2) additional intentions, which will be announced in the Universal Prayers (Prayers of the Faithful) but not in the bulletin. Please know that the stipend for these additional intentions ($10 for weekdays and $15 for Weekends) will be sent to the Mission Office of our Diocese.

Unannounced Mass Intentions: There will be no limit on unannounced Mass requests. These Masses are available at any time and are sent either to the Office of Missions of the Diocese of Metuchen or to missionary priests. The suggested stipend remains the same: $10.00.

Mass for the People (Missa Pro Populo): One Sunday Mass per weekend is offered for the intention of the living and deceased parishioners of St. Matthias. 



Join us for a fun-filled day at the SIGHT AND SOUND THEATRE in Lancaster, PA!
To See

“DANIEL Live on Stage”
Saturday, April 20, 2024


Senior Ministry and St. Martin De Porres Society, of The Catholic Community of St. Matthias

$70 deposit/ticket due by November 1st
Final payment due by Feb 16th
(Note: After March 1st, Tickets are Non-Refundable)
Make checks payable to:
“St. Martin De Porres Society” with “Sight and Sound” in the memo and mail to the Parish Office.

– Roundtrip Transportation
– Light Breakfast on the Bus
– Ticket to “DANIEL” Live on Stage
SHOWTIME – 11:00am
– Lunch Buffet after the show at “Bird-In-Hand” Restaurant

BUS DEPARTS 7:30am Sharp!
From The Catholic Community of St. Matthias, 168 JFK Blvd, Somerset 08873
BUS RETURNS approximately 6:30pm

For More Information and To Purchase Tickets Contact:
Pearl or Dolores

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Dear Friends,

MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT: We are all following the conflict between Israel and Palestine that has become a war after the massive surprise attack by Hamas resulting in the death of over 900 Israelis. While the world leaders have condemned such a terrorist attack, the retaliation is bringing more deaths. Pope Francis has begged both sides to “please stop the attacks and weapons and understand that terrorism and war do not lead to any solution, but only to the death and suffering of many innocent people. War is a defeat, every war is always a defeat.” He asked the faithful to join him in praying for peace in Israel and Palestine. We do pray for peace while the world leaders look for a political solution through dialog.

SYNOD ON SYNODALITY: It is this dialog that can make the present Synod on Synodality in Rome a success. Pope Francis opened the Synod’s three-week assembly with a call to remember that the Church exists to bring Jesus to the world and should face today’s challenges with a gaze fixed on God rather than “political calculations or ideological battles.” Francis repeated that the synod is not “a political gathering” or a “polarized parliament” but “a place of grace and communion.” And yet there is much polarization on many issues that will be discussed by the delegates in this Synod of Bishops, which for the first time includes laymen and women as full voting members. We accompany them with our prayers for the Spirit of God to guide them.

SPIRITUAL TECH CONNECT: Some of you have asked me about the progress of the live streaming/media upgrade plan in our church. At the beginning of this month, you may have read an update about it in the bulletin. It was published as part of the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) decision to have more communication with our parishioners. Remember the ‘Spiritual Tech Connect’ campaign? We had launched it two years ago for the Giving Tuesday to purchase and install permanent tech equipment in our church building to spiritually connect with our community. That would give us the capability to project videos and images on large monitors that can be seen easily by everyone in church and by those watching online.

I am grateful to our Tech Committee (past and present members: Msgr Joe Curry, Peter Kostik, Barry Dusault, MaryBeth Oria, Elena Malinconico, Kathy Rezac, Andy Fuentes, Ana Kelly) who worked in the initial planning of this project. Later, two of our parishioners, Jeff Beck and Joe Mancuso, have been working with me on researching on the practical aspects of this project, meeting with different vendors to investigate, explore, compare and finalize what is best for our church.  After countless hours of research, we have identified the technology we need to upgrade our church projection system. It includes a new contrast-enhancing 150” diagonal screen and an 8500 lumen projector to ensure a bright image.  The screen will be placed on the crucifix wall behind the choir for maximum visibility, so we will be moving the crucifix higher on the wall (with proper consultation with our diocesan experts) to make space for it. As with any project, there has been delays in implementing this project too. Thanks to so many of you who graciously contributed to this Spiritual Tech Connect project, we all can be happy that we are in the last leg of seeing this project happen, and so we can look forward to enhancing our worship experience with this tech upgrade in the near future.

Your brother in Christ.

Fr. Abraham Orapankal


27th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Dear Friends,

We are excited that our celebration of the Hispanic Heritage is this weekend during the 5 pm Mass on Saturday. This Mass is part of the National Hispanic Heritage Month observed from September 15 to October 15, 2023, celebrating the contributions and importance of Hispanics and Latinos to the United States and those American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America.  I’m very happy that our own Fr. Lancelot McGrath is an expert in Spanish language and culture and so he is our presider for this special Mass.

In the past, I was asked, “Why do we need a Hispanic or bilingual Mass since we have only a tiny minority of Hispanic parishioners?” My answer was that this has nothing to do with numbers but for the whole parish to realize that we are a diverse community and that everyone is welcome. It is a chance for us to appreciate the different ways of being and celebrating together as an ecclesial community of the people of God.

The reality of Hispanic Catholic presence is this: For the past four decades, Hispanic/Latino ministry has flourished in thousands of parishes across the country, including our own diocese of Metuchen. This past summer, the US bishops approved a National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry referring to Hispanics/Latinos as a blessing from God, as a missionary and prophetic presence that revitalizes the church in the United States. The Plan calls for a synodal church that is more welcoming, evangelizing, and missionary at all levels; a church that can build vibrant parish communities with our Hispanic/Latino brothers and sisters, in the context of a culturally diverse society.

The theme for 2023 is “Latinos: Driving Prosperity, Power, and Progress in America,” highlighting the contributions of Hispanics to the economic, political, and social growth of the United States. The most important gift, however, that our Hispanic/Latino Catholics bring to the Church in the U.S. is faith and popular piety. Bishop Arturo Cepeda, chairman of the US Bishops Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church, says: “We celebrate our faith within our Church, in our communities. We celebrate our faith with our families, and we want to continue to celebrate our faith in the larger context of our society. One of the greatest gifts is the sense of community…that sense of being together, of solidarity, of being united with our own planet, celebrating and respecting life, our own Catholic traditions, our great love for Our Lady, and the celebration of our faith through the sacraments.”

Such values are extremely important for us all. We are happy and proud that our tradition of welcoming and celebrating cultural diversity is one of the significant and meaningful ways to bring about the Kingdom of God more fully here at St. Matthias. Thank you to our Hispanic brothers and sisters for the faith, hope, and love you bring to prayer, worship, and daily life in all your diversity as Hispanic, Latino, and Latina Catholics. Your reverence and enthusiasm are truly an inspiration to us all.

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal


26th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Dear Friends,

October is Respect Life Month, promoting respect for human life in light of our intrinsic dignity as having been created in God’s image and likeness and called to an eternal destiny with him. This year, Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Arlington, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Pro-Life Activities invites Catholics to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Respect Life Month by embracing “radical solidarity” with women facing difficult or challenging pregnancies. St John Paul II, who coined the term “radical solidarity” in reference to the care owed to vulnerable pregnant women, said: “In firmly rejecting ‘pro-choice’ it is necessary to become courageously ‘pro-woman,’ promoting a choice that is truly in favor of women. … The only honest stance, in these cases, is that of radical solidarity with the woman.” While our efforts must remain strong to end legalized abortion, it is our responsibility as Catholics to surround mothers in need with life-giving support and personal accompaniment.

Today is Respect Life Sunday, when thousands will join the Life Chain which is a peaceful, prayerful demonstration in opposition to abortion, other attacks on human life, and an end to all violence. Pro-life individuals throughout the USA and Canada will join the National Life chain in about 2000 cities. We can get more info at In our area, the Life Chain will be held in Somerville, along Somerset Street, anywhere from the corner of Route 206 down to Veteran’s Memorial Hwy. The Life Chain continues up Mountain Avenue past Immaculate Conception Parish. Everyone is welcome to join.

Our newly commissioned Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) had its first meeting recently and it was decided that important matters discussed by the PPC concerning the parish should be communicated to the parishioners. Accordingly, the Co-Secretaries of the PPC have prepared a report that you can read elsewhere in this bulletin.

One of the matters you will see therein is about having a basketball court for our students. It is sad that ours is the only parish that I know without a parish gym nor a basketball court for our school students to play. Some of our parents, through our Principal Mary Lynch, proposed the idea of a basketball court without any enclosure in our parking lot so that our students could play in a junior school-level court. After consulting with the PPC and the Property Management Committee, I have happily agreed to have this long-felt need for a basketball court without any enclosure so that the present parking spaces will not be lost. Thanks to the parents who have come forward to sponsor this project.

Today we have the Blessing of animals, in honor of St. Francis of Assisi who showed us the right attitude of care for all of God’s creatures. Francis had pets, a lamb, a pheasant, a rabbit, a cicada, a dog, and a wolf! He was as polite and considerate to an earthworm, a slug, a bird, a beetle, or amole, as amusedly tolerant, understanding and warmly loving as one would be to one’s brother and sister. Indeed, he addressed them as his brothers and sisters! I look forward to seeing a variety of pets brought to be blessed as in the past years

Your brother in Christ.

Fr. Abraham Orapankal

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Dear Friends,

Do we need a “National Eat Dinner Together Day”? Well there is one, and that’s this Monday, September 25th! The fourth Monday in September has been declared “Family Day — a day to eat dinner with your children,” by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University. This is a national effort to promote family dinners as an effective way to reduce youth substance abuse and other risky behaviors, as research consistently finds that the more often children eat dinner with their families, the less likely they are to smoke, drink, or use illegal drugs. For more ideas, visit their site:

Nothing brings us together like eating together. Good food, great conversations, and loads of laughs—that’s what family dinners are made of. But in today’s culture, we all know that family dinner together has become an easy casualty. Grabbing dinner on the go can be bad for our wallets and our waistlines, but most importantly we miss the opportunity to bond and grow as a family.

Throughout the Bible, we see that mealtime was a time for being together and enjoying each other, and it was also a time for teaching and imparting wisdom. The Old Testament prophets often compared life in the new heavens and earth with the picture of a divine banqueting table (Isaiah. 25:6; 55:1–2). In the New Testament, we regularly find Jesus reclining “at table” during His earthly ministry, engaging with real people, furthering His kingdom work, fostering true community, demonstrating reconciliation with God, and building genuine fellowship among His disciples (Luke 5:29; 7:36; 11:37; 14:15). From Sarah hosting the angels to the Passover meal observance to Jesus changing water to wine for a wedding feast, there are so many biblical examples of mealtime fellowship. Jesus often compared the Kingdom of God to a banquet!  Eating together was a big deal to Jesus because it was a chance to deepen friendships, welcome strangers and serve the poor. No wonder Jesus chose to be food for us in the Holy Eucharist, to be the best spiritual nourishment for us.

Parents will vouch for the formative value of eating together as this is a great opportunity to instill important values in the lives of children. Listen to what a young man remembers about his family’s practice of eating meals together: “It was therapeutic: an excuse to talk, to reflect on the day, and on recent events. Our chats about the banal—of baseball and television—often led to discussions of the seriousness—of politics and death, of memories and loss. Eating together was a small act, and it required very little of us—45 minutes away from our usual, quotidian distractions—and yet it was invariably one of the happiest parts of my day.”

Such is the formative value of eating together. If kids are not used to talking to you about their day at an earlier age of 8 or 9, we can’t expect them to do it at 12 or 13. Yes, let us make a greater effort to have family dinners more often.

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal


24th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Dear Friends,

Today’s second collection is our quarterly collection for the Maintenance of our Parish Facilities. This was initiated over two years ago with the goal of saving some money for unforeseen repairs and unexpected breakdowns of our physical plant components that are aging. This is different from the 60th Anniversary Fundraising that began recently with specific goals like constructing the new bathroom, renovating the physical worship space, etc. Thanks to many of you whose enthusiastic response raised the thermometer in the narthex to 70% of the $200,000 goal that we had set. If you have not responded, this is the right time to make a contribution. Please consider.

Last Sunday in my homily, I spoke about the “Ministry of Invitation” to help those alienated from the church to return. Let me expand on that: A study by Life Way Research Inc. showed the importance of inviting others to church. Here are some findings from that study:

  • 67% of Americans say a personal invitation from a family member would be very or somewhat effective in getting them to visit a church.
  • 63% of Americans say a personal invitation from a friend or neighbor would be very or somewhat effective in getting them to visit a church.
  • 63% of Americans are very or somewhat willing to receive information about a local congregation or faith community from a family member.
  • 56% of Americans are very or somewhat willing to receive information about a local congregation or faith community from a friend or neighbor.

Such is the power of personal invitation that it is now called a MINISTRY in itself. This ministry is the duty of every member of the Church. In his book Evangelism in the Early Church, historian Michael Green argued that evangelism was the prerogative and duty of every church member. Green argues that “Christianity was supremely a lay movement, spread by informal missionaries … the spontaneous outreach of the total Christian community gave immense impetus to the movement from the very outset.” So let us be conscious of our duty as lay ministers and missionaries to our own people.

One may ask, “Why would people respond to an invitation?” Because people are looking for true fellowship and true community. Several missiologists have stated this truth: “In our post-Christian nation, people who are skeptical of the faith are often attracted to the Christian community before they are attracted to the Christian message. Therefore, introducing people into the relational network of a local church community becomes an important aspect of their journey to the faith.”

We are very fortunate that our St. Matthias Community is truly a welcoming community. Thank you to those of you who have invited others to our Sunday worship or to our parish events, or by distributing/sharing our parish bulletin. How wonderful if the rest of us can follow that good example!

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal


Our “Spread the Light” Tree Campaign is in Full Swing! Deadline has been extended!

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!! Our annual Christmas Tree “Spread the Light” campaign is in full swing!  We would like to thank all of the parishioners and friends of the parish who have already arranged for their trees. If you have not sponsored a tree yet —GOOD NEWS!!  The deadline has been extended!!! There are both Personal and Business forms in the back of the church and on the website.  You can either pay at the parish office, through Parish Giving, or by placing a sealed envelope marked ‘Trees’ in the collection basket during mass. Don’t miss out on honoring a loved one, friend,
business, or group! Join in this wonderfully moving tradition that helps support our church and brings joy to so many.
Help us to ‘Light the Night’ here in Somerset! But, don’t wait, numbers are limited, get your request in now!  
Join in this wonderfully moving tradition that helps support our church and brings joy to so many. For more information on how to order a tree, click here. Flyers are also available in church.

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Dear Friends,

For most of us, September 11th remains a lived experience. We have our stories of that fateful day that we might recall on this 22nd anniversary of 9/11. That is why we continue to keep up our annual tradition of the 9/11 Service that will be held tomorrow at 6:30 pm, here at St. Matthias. Thanks to the Fire Companies of Franklin Fire District # 1 who are hosting this service to honor the emergency service members who were killed on September 11, 2001, including our parishioner FDNY Firefighter John M. Collins, who graduated from St. Matthias School and Immaculata High School. Since this is held in our church at 6:30 pm, we will not have the weekly adoration tomorrow. I invite as many as possible to attend this memorial service as we have clear memories of this tragedy that left a deep wound and indelible mark on our nation’s collective memory.

But there is a whole new generation, born after 9/11, for whom 9/11 holds no memories. It has become a history lesson that could become folklore with the passage of time. That is all the more reason for us to keep this anniversary as an opportunity to enlighten our younger generation about this historic tragedy that struck our nation. They need to be present at the anniversary ceremonies so that they can understand the pain and agony – physical and emotional – of those who suffered and continue to suffer. I am asking our parents, especially those with children in St. Matthias School, to come tomorrow with their children to this year’s 9/11 Memorial Service at 6:30 pm.

I am grateful to Bill Cullen, a former fire Chief and John Hauss, Director of the Fire Prevention Office of Franklin Township and others who are taking the lead in organizing this important event.

Today is also ‘National Grandparents Day’ – a time to honor grandparents and grand-friends for their contributions to our families, neighborhoods and communities. You may remember we had already celebrated this in June with “the World Day for grandparents and elderly” that Pope Francis had instituted. It was on the Sunday closest to the feast of Saints Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus. The US bishops Conference had postponed it to coincide with our national celebration of grandparents today — the Sunday after Labor Day. Celebrating it again is simply another reminder for us all to show greater understanding and respect to grandparents and elderly who are often ignored by many. It is an opportunity to publicly affirm the identity and importance of grandparents who play a vital role in families.

We know that Pope Francis has been championing the cause of all the marginalized of the society. He has condemned the “throw away” culture that tend to push aside the grandparents and the elderly. He has invited the world to respect them and learn from their wisdom. His exhortation is worth listening to: “From the elderly we received the gift of belonging to God’s holy people.  The Church, as well as society, needs them, for they entrust to the present the past that is needed to build the future. Let us honor them, neither depriving ourselves of their company nor depriving them of ours.  May we never allow the elderly to be cast aside!”

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal


22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Dear Friends,

We are very happy to welcome Rev. Lancelot McGrath this weekend to our parish community. I am grateful to our Bishop Checchio for appointing him as our Parochial Vicar to assist me in the pastoral ministry. Obviously, it means involvement with Mass and other sacramental ministry, as well as parishioner visitations, involvement with parish organizations, visitation of the sick and homebound, emergency coverage, and general presence, especially spending significant amount of time visiting the school and interacting with the students, staff, and parents. A parishioner of Nativity of Our Lord in Monroe, wrote to me his appreciation of him: “Congratulations! You are receiving a part of my heart in Father Lancelot McGrath.” Another couple emailed me this: “While at Nativity, we have had the opportunity to meet Fr. Lance McGrath. He is a beautiful priest and so in love with the Lord. His faith is contagious, which you want in a priest. If we had to describe him, it would be gentle and humble.” Great to hear such good comments. In the name of all of us, I heartily welcome Fr. McGrath to St. Matthias.

It has been very hectic for me, during July and August, to be doing all the Masses, sick calls, funerals etc., while attending to other regular matters of our parish and school. But we were fortunate to get periodic help for weekend Masses from other priests like Fr. Nick Gengaro, Fr. Tom Lanza, Fr. Jose Lim, Fr. Peter Ssekajugo, and Fr. Joseph Kabali. That certainly gave us all a rich variety of priests with their own unique styles of homilies.

With the summer officially coming to an end, we are happy to welcome back all our students, staff and faculty. Our school is already alive with staff meeting,  Back to School socials, Faculty PD and other activities. The inaugural School Mass will be on Friday, September 8th. Thanks to the HSA team who have been doing lots of preparations for the new school year, in particular by making the playground very colorful and attractive.  Mrs. Mary Lynch, our Principal, has been working hard, directing these and other school activities. As I offer our support, I wish her and the entire School community God’s blessings.

Since Labor Day first became a federal holiday in 1894, the first Monday of September has been set apart to celebrate and value in American society the role of our workers and their work by providing, ironically and fittingly, a day off to rest and enjoy the fruits of one’s labor.  But it is also a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the deeper meaning of our work, which the language of faith provides. The creation story shows our God working six days and resting on the Sabbath (Exodus 20:11) The Catholic Church proclaims the dignity, meaning and redemptive value of all human work. In 1981 Pope John Paul II wrote an Encyclical letter entitled “On Human Work” (Laborem Exercens) which beautifully presented this Christian vision of the dignity and meaning of human work, based on the biblical teachings.

Happy Labor Day! Happy Long weekend!

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal