Come Join Us for Adult G.I.F.T. (Growing in Faith Together).

Open to the Community

Our next session will be on Sunday, February 2nd.  We will start GIFT with the 12 Noon Mass. Then, immediately following in the church, we will gather to pray 2 decades of the Rosary, honoring the Rosary in a Year and offering our prayers to our Lady to instill HOPE into the hearts of families. The session will run until approximately 2:30 pm. We can’t wait to see you there! Let’s come together to celebrate and be inspired as we grow in our faith and support each other on the journey.

The School Advisory Council (SAC) is looking for new members.

The School Advisory Council (SAC) is looking for new members. St. Matthias Parish members, who would want to contribute some of their time and expertise to help advise the Pastor and the Principal in making St. Matthias School better today, and  well prepared for the future, are welcome. The individuals could be past, or current SMS parents or grand parents, who care deeply about the elementary and middle school Catholic education. Experience in education, finance, accounting, technology, engineering, property management, healthcare, procurement, or human resources is welcome.

The council generally meets once a month (6-7 times a year), in person and/or via zoom. The principal, the vice-principal and the pastor report on the current status and challenges. The council discusses the current issues and the ways to position the school in a better place for the future. The topics like academics, marketing, enrollment, technology and grounds improvements, giving (Tuition Angels, The Annual Fund)  and others are discussed. The council member term is 3 years. As we currently have a few members close to the end of their term, we are looking to fill multiple positions.

Interested individuals can contact the current SAC chair Sue Lenczewski, or the school Principal Mrs. Lynch, If you feel, you would be a good contributor, please pray about it, and reach out to us, as we strive to be a diverse team of advisors (in culture and experience) who can use their time and talent to assist the school administration in making SMS the best it can be.

SAC website –



Franklin Township’s Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Community Breakfast

The Franklin Township Dr. Martin Luther King Community Foundation Presents

Franklin Township’s Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Community Breakfast

Monday, January 20, 2025

8:30AM Breakfast Buffet & Celebration

Double Tree Hotel– Somerset

Admission $60

Keynote Speaker:

Bonnie Watson Coleman

Congresswoman, U.S. House of Representatives


For Event Information, Ticket Sales, Donations or Business Promotion Use QR Code Above or Visit:

Email Call 732-328-8374

No tickets sold at the door.

Purchase Tickets Before 1/15/2025

All tickets are available through the website.







Come Join us for a Bible Study on The Eucharist!


For this upcoming and final year of Eucharistic Revival, Saint Matthias will be offering a Bible Study focused on The Eucharist.  Jesus says: “I am the living bread come down from heaven; whoever eats of this bread will live forever; this bread is my flesh which I give for the life of the world.” (John 6:51).  Jesus left us a great gift in the Eucharist, a gift that allows us to encounter him in a most profound way, a gift that gives us life and draws us into communion with God and each other. So, it is fitting that we do what we can to grow in our knowledge of, and love for, the Eucharist.  This bible study is offered with this in mind.

The Bible Study will be in person in the Parish Office Building (Ruiz room) on Saturday mornings from 10:30am to Noon.  It is offered over 7 consecutive Saturdays (seven sessions in all) beginning on Saturday January 18 and ending on Saturday March 1st. If you’d like to sign up and take part in this Bible Study simply email:

Joe Percoco at  – or –  Ivette Michel at


Pope Francis tells us: “The Eucharist brings us Jesus’ love, which can transform our lives”. Please come join us forthis special offering that provides us with one more way to encounter Jesus and experience his love!


Accompaniment Project

The Accompaniment Project is a grant-funded initiative of the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM).

This survey is for people of ALL ages – feel free to share it with anyone!

Your responses will help us create and sustain engaging ways to encounter Christ and develop real relationships with anyone who wants to be accompanied on their journey searching for meaning,  joy, and purpose in their life.  Thanks for taking the time to tell us what you think.  YOU MATTER !

Accompaniment Project Survey

Giving Tuesday 2024

GivingTuesday is an opportunity for people to give back in many different ways: through acts of kindness, gifts of voice, time, talent, or treasure. Our parish of St. Matthias has been blessed with generous parishioners who always responded joyfully to every need of our community. Please consider donating to St. Matthias Church as one of your GivingTuesday contributions. Every contribution no matter how small goes towards making improvements to our church. Thank you for your goodness.

To donate to St. Matthias Church, please click here.


Opening of our Book of Mass Intentions

Our 2025 Book of Mass Intentions will be opened on Monday, November 11, 2024, 8:30 AM in the Parish Office. To accommodate all our parishioners, we will continue the limit of four (4) Masses, that is, two (2) weekday Masses and a maximum of two (2) Weekend Masses. You can return on or after December 10 for additional Mass requests. It is good for us all to know of the different kinds of Mass intentions:


  • Announced Weekday Mass Intentions: The suggested stipend for weekday Mass remains the same: $10.00. The intention will be printed in the bulletin and announced during Mass. Please be sure to indicate if the person for whom the Mass requested is living (L) or deceased (D).
  • Announced Weekend Mass Intentions: The suggested stipend for Weekend Mass is $15.00. The intention will be printed in the bulletin and announced at Mass. Please be sure to indicate if the person for whom the Mass requested is living (L) or deceased (D).
  • Multiple Intentions: With increasing requests for additional Mass intentions during unforeseen special occasions such as death, month’s mind, etc., it is a pastoral practice to better accommodate such needs of our parishioners by allowing additional intentions with the existing intention for the Mass. In such cases, we will be accepting only one additional intention, which will be announced in the Universal Prayers (Prayers of the Faithful) but not necessarily in the bulletin. Please know that the stipend for this additional intention ($10 for weekdays and $15 for Weekends) will be sent to the Mission Office of our Diocese or to missionary priests.
  • Unannounced Mass Intentions: There will be no limit on unannounced Mass requests. These Masses are available at any time and are sent either to the Office of Missions of the Diocese of Metuchen or to missionary priests. The suggested stipend remains the same: $10.00.
  • Mass for the People (Missa Pro Populo): One Sunday Mass per weekend is offered for the intention of the living and deceased parishioners of St. Matthias.



Like many pastors, I too have heard from our parishioners who received emails or text messages, seemingly from me, asking for donations.  Please exercise the utmost caution when receiving these types of communications. I have not asked nor will I solicit donations. Please be suspicious of any such communication. Please call the parish office directly to verify its legitimacy.  Anyone who feels that they have been the victim of this type of fraud is urged to contact the local police department.

-Fr. Abraham