Dear Friends,
In another week, we will be at the threshold of the holy season of Lent. Ash Wednesday is on March 5 – a day of fast and abstinence. The Jubilee Year 2025 makes this Lent special as both remind us of the journey of life with the Word of God. During Lent every year, our Small Faith-sharing groups become more active than ever, reflecting on the Scriptures. The participants are greatly enriched with their experience in small gatherings – at church and at homes. Some may wonder why this insistence on small groups? Here are some reasons:
- Small groups are biblical.
- Small groups allow us to dialog with people of differing views.
- Small groups give us a place to talk about personal and spiritual things in a safe environment.
- Small groups help us to experience the power of love and prayer.
- A small group provides us with much needed support and encouragement.
- A small group helps facilitate our faith journey.
This year a special faith-sharing resource based on the jubilee theme: “Pilgrims of Hope” has been prepared by RENEW International. They have aptly titled it as “Jubilee: Join the Journey of Hope.” I found them very helpful. The six sessions include topics such as:
- Materialism versus gospel values
- Care for those in poverty, the sick, and the elderly
- Concern for young people
- Compassion and encouragement for prisoners; rejection of the death penalty
- Welcome for strangers
- Forgiveness and reconciliation
These sessions call us to grow closer to God and one another. The testimonies you hear from our own parishioners speak for themselves as to what these small group meetings can do to you personally and for your family.
As I often mention while inviting us all to join small groups, there is no requirement for a long term commitment, but a desire to attend just six sessions during the six weeks of Lent. Let us listen to the promptings that the Spirit of God is giving us and act upon them without procrastinating.
Many Catholics will take part in the Jubilee by traveling to Rome or to the Holy Land. But for most of us the more practical way to be a part of a Church “on the move” is through personal reflection and sharing in a small group during Lent. For signing up, please contact Debbie Schurko, our Director of Religious Education, at:
Give yourself a chance, and see the difference it will make in your life, especially this Lent!
Your brother in Christ,
Fr. Abraham Orapankal