14th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Dear Friends,

Pride is a word that can be confusing.  There is a positive sense in which we can be proud of many things. Last week we all celebrated July 4th with great pride. We can be proud of our parents, achievements, faith, friends etc. St. Paul could say: “I have reason to be proud of my work for God” (Rom. 15:17). But there is a negative sense in which some people can be “puffed up” or “full of themselves” exhibiting a haughty attitude. C.S. Lewis, whose influence on Christianity is long lasting, wrote: “According to Christian teachers, the essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride. Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere flea bites in comparison: it was through Pride that the devil became the devil: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind…… it is Pride which has been the chief cause of misery in every nation and every family since the world began” (Mere Christianity, p.111).

But our culture seems to celebrate pride as a virtue whereas humility is seen as a weakness! Thus we see pride and arrogance among many rich and powerful, celebrities and stars, and even among some religious leaders. What does Bible say? “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18). Pride leads to over-confidence and arrogance in one’s own abilities. But it will eventually backfire on the proud because they are unable to see fault in themselves. We all are familiar with stories of “fall from grace” of many contemporary famous personalities.

No wonder, Jesus condemns intellectual pride in today’s gospel and says that the mysteries of the Kingdom are “hidden from the wise and the understanding, but revealed to little children” (Matthew 11:26).  He knows that ordinary people with large, sensitive hearts can accept the “Good News” he preaches, while proud intellectuals cannot. Even the learned rabbis of Jesus’ time recognized that the simplest people were often nearer to God than the wisest.   They composed stories to show that ordinary people often practiced great love and compassion, for instance, the story of the man who lent his tools to someone in need, or the woman who helped her neighbors.  Jesus says that such people will inherit Heaven rather than the learned and the wise who pride themselves on   their intellectual achievements but do not love. This is why spiritual masters of all persuasions insist that pride is the devil’s most effective and destructive tool! Let us take to heart what Jesus tells us today: “learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29)

Our Monday adoration is an opportunity to learn many things from Jesus. One gift we can learn from him is silence. Jesus welcomes us with a listening heart. Prayer is a dialog of talking and listening. We can speak to him in silence. But he will talk to us only when we have quieted our hearts and are completely silent. The more time we spend being with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in silence, the more we will begin to hear God’s voice. Let us use the Monday adoration for cultivating this gift of silence.

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal


13th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Dear Friends,

Happy Independence Day! Fourth of July is a beautiful time to come together and celebrate our nation’s independence and to remember that true freedom comes from God. This quintessential summer holiday is to be celebrated “ideally with sun on your skin and sand between your toes” as one travel guide put it.

Summer, generally speaking, is a time to relax and refresh. We think of slowing down our hectic pace of life, plan a vacation, and find some time for ourselves to do the things that we wanted to do. Despite all the good intentions, some may find that many of their summer plans have to be postponed due to the very hectic pace that they had hoped to get a break from. But everyone can benefit from the summer season by intentionally planning to do something worthwhile.

Summer reading plan is one of those things that can be done this season, even if we don’t get time to go for a vacation. There are many summer reading programs for children to keep reading and learning during their hiatus from school. We know reading for pleasure helps children grow and develop. But, what about adults? There are many book clubs for adults too. They all post a list of recommended books for summer reading. One librarian who organizes book club said: “Reading is a serious stress-buster, and after a really stressful year, it’s a great way to unwind and relax. Honestly it is a form of self-care that we often overlook.”

Now that we have begun the Parish Phase of the Eucharistic Revival, I would ask all of us to focus on reading some books on the Holy Eucharist this summer. There are many books out there. I have lined up to read three books this summer. The first one is: “Telling the Story of Jesus: Word – Communion – Mission.” The author, Cardinal Luis Tagle, tells the readers to be in communion with Jesus and that this communion is found in the Eucharist as well as among the lost, the tired, and the abandoned people of this world. He focuses on three fundamental dimensions of Christian experience: 1) authentic spiritual worship of Jesus in and beyond Eucharist, 2) our communion in the Word of God, and 3) the mission each one of us has to tell the story of Jesus based on our experience of him. I look forward to being enriched by this and other two books: This is My Body (Bishop Barron) and Becoming Eucharistic People: The Hope and Promise of Parish Life (Timothy O’Malley).

But, summer reading on the Eucharist need not be limited to books. There are many resources on line about the Eucharistic Revival that are easily accessible. Here are just four websites with a ton of materials:  www.eucharisticrevival.orgwww.wordonfire.org, www.usccb.org, and www.fdlc.org/eucharistic-revival-resources/ You will find great videos and information about this revival, enriching articles on the Eucharist, powerful speakers on the Eucharist, free webinars and easy activities for the whole family centered on the Eucharist.

In the meanwhile, let us keep up the enthusiasm with which we have entered the Year of Eucharistic Revival here at St. Matthias. The Monday adoration is well attended as people come to experience personal communion with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. This should lead us to have better communion with others. That is how we become the Body of Christ.

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal


12th Sunday in Ordinary Time


What is Adoration?

The Benedictine Sisters of Sacre Coeur de Montmartre.

The following article on Adoration was taken from the Magnificat special edition, The Magnificat Adoration Manuel.

Adoration is due to God alone. To adore the thrice-holy and supremely lovable God in the Blessed Sacrament exposed on the altar means that we offer ourselves to the ineffable love of God who has begun to manifest himself in creation, who has been revealed to us since Abraham, who has laid in Jesus Christ the foundation of the Church through which he acts in the world.

To pray before the Blessed Sacrament exposed on the altar is to cast a glance of faith upon Jesus Christ, true God and true man, truly present in the Bread of the Eucharist.

This prayer of adoration manifests God’s mercy and tenderness for humanity and calls each one of us to intercede for the needs of men. God so loved the world the he gave his only Son, Jesus, the source of salvation, is offered for our contemplation and adoration incessantly. From him, all who pray to him receive and abundance of grace to live in this world as beloved children; and through him, in the Spirit, each of us returns to the Father; the God of tenderness and mercy, to bless and glorify him. Moreover, regardless of our poverty or wealth, through prayer, we can draw from the unfathomable riches of the Heart of Christ, given to us in the Eucharist, for the good of all people. Let us ask the Lord to make us worshipers in spirit and truth, witnesses of the love of God before the men and women of our time.

In prayer of adoration, it is not a question, like the hypocritical Pharisee of the Gospel, of giving thanks for our own righteousness, and of praying only for others love of God, given for us in Jesus, exposed before our eyes in the Blessed Sacrament, it is a question of recognizing ourselves as poor and sinful, to see that without him we can do nothing (cf. Jn 15:5), to let ourselves be saved by him, to let ourselves be healed, to let ourselves be converted. It is a question of offering ourselves to God the Father in the one and perfect offering of Jesus his Son, under the movement of the Holy Spirit, in order to fully accomplish his will. In this way, our prayer will be true: it will transform us, and in the Communion of Saints, it will shine forth as the grace of salvation for many men and women of our time who do not know God, who have distanced themselves from him, or who refuse his love.

The Basilica of Sacre Coeur de Montmartre has been the site of continuous perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Paris since 1885.

Msgr. Brennan

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time


Dear Friends,

The Eucharistic Procession last Saturday was a beautiful experience. The vast majority of those who attended the 5 pm Mass joined the procession and entered back in the church and attended the Benediction. We began the weekly adoration on Monday and the response was truly amazing. With 42 people praying silently before the Blessed Sacrament in the first half hour and then having an overage of 30 people present for every half-hour slot of the rest of the time. I invite you all to sign up for one of those slots or simply drop in for whatever time you can between 6-8 pm on Mondays.

I am very grateful to Msgr. Brennan for setting this plan in motion with detailed instruction and training of the EMs about exposing and reposing the Blessed Sacrament. Please read his letter on page 8 about his retirement plans, as approved by the Bishop. He does not want a formal farewell but I know you will certainly express your gratitude to him for his presence and ministry with us. I have requested him to return and help us whenever possible.

Though changes are part of life, it is painful to accept. On the last day of our school, there was a lovely prayer service with all the students gathered in the parking lot. It was moving to see Mr. Joe Gidaro sprinkling holy water on the students and the teachers blessing the students with the sign of the cross. When Mrs. Mary Lynch announced the names of those teachers and staff not returning after the summer, there were expressions of sadness from the students. Those expressions were very palpable when the names of Mr. Gidaro and Mrs. Josephine Pugnet were announced. Both of them touched the students with their caring and loving service: Mr. Gidaro faithfully served as Vice Principal and Mrs. Pugnet as the Cafeteria Manager, overseeing the lunch program and providing the students with choice meals. Both will be missed in the school and their services are gratefully remembered.

Graduation itself is another change, but a happy one, as you can see in that lovely picture of the class of 2023 on page 7. The 32 young men and women have completed their ACADEMIC life with us as they move on to the next level of their life’s journey, but we hope they will continue their spiritual life with us as we strive for a solid faith formation through Catholic education”. As the Catholic Community of St. Matthias, we, together with their parents and school faculty and staff, are very proud of them. We will continue our mission of Catholic education to the best of our ability.

Happy Feast to all Fathers! Having a good father is a gift of God’s grace. A good father is not afraid to show love, is patient, forgiving, joyful, and believes in his children. A good father leads by example and is present to help rear his offspring. In Scripture and in church, God is often called Father. Why? Is it so we can bring God down to our level of understanding, or is it to encourage our earthly fathers to live up to a higher standard? If it is the latter, men have some really big shoes to fill! Of course, the Catechism teaches that God is neither male nor female (CCC no.239), and God’s grace and mercy go way beyond the goodness that any of our fathers can exhibit. Yet, let us be aware of and practice our need to thank God daily for our fathers, uncles, brothers, sons, and men friends.

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ


Dear Friends,

Today’s bulletin is a special edition as we inaugurate the Parish Phase of the National Eucharistic Revival that our nation’s Bishops Conference has initiated. Please read in this bulletin the objectives and practical plans of this revival.

What are we doing here at St. Matthias for reviving Eucharistic spirituality? Our newly formed Eucharistic Revival Committee has proposed many ideas for me to consider and implement those that are practical during the course of the year. We begin with the following:

  1. Eucharistic Procession: This weekend we are celebrating the feast of “Corpus Christi” which is the traditional name for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. We have announced holding the Eucharistic Procession after the 5 pm Mass. Processing with the Holy Eucharist around our church and school praying and singing is a public expression of our faith in the Eucharist.
  2. Weekly Adoration: Being in the presence of the Eucharistic Lord is a very pious personal devotion. Sitting quietly in front of the Blessed Sacrament is a spiritually fulfilling experience that Catholics all over the world love. We are dedicating two hours every Monday from 6-8 pm. Many have already signed up. Most welcome to experience it.
  3. Closing the door near the Tabernacle: You may remember during the Jubilee Year of 2000, all our side doors were closed and everyone had to enter through the main door in the front. This time, only one door near the Tabernacle side in the church will be closed in order to signify the sacredness of the area. It is only human that we stand near the Tabernacle, having chitchat and laughter, taking the presence of Jesus in the Tabernacle for granted. Leaving that door closed is just a symbolic reminder to us of the reverence and silence we need to have in front and near the Lord in the Tabernacle.
  4. Communion from the Chalice: During the pandemic, we had suspended our practice of receiving the Precious Blood of the Lord from the Chalice due to the fear of the risk of cross-contamination. In this post-pandemic times, it is only right that we offer the chalice to those who wish to receive. We will plan the logistics and try this soon.

There are more ideas and plans in the offing as we intend to promote the four pillars of the Eucharistic revival: 1) Reinvigorating worship, 2) Personal Encounter with Christ, 3) Robust Faith Formation, and 4) Missionary Commissioning. (see page 5 of this bulletin for more on this).

Congratulations to three of our parishioners – Ricky Michel, Ivette Michel and Donna Vattelana – who have been trained as Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers. Their commissioning at the 5 pm Mass this weekend is a reminder to others to consider becoming such a Minister of Holy Communion.

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal

The Most Holy Trinity


Dear Friends,

You have seen the change of colors in the church to green, reminding us that we are now in the “Ordinary Time” of the Liturgical Calendar. It is called “ordinary” simply because the weeks of Ordinary Time are numbered. It stems from the Latin word ordo, from which we get the English word order. Thus, the numbered weeks of Ordinary Time in fact represent the ordered life of the Church—the period in which we live our lives neither in feasting (as in the Christmas and Easter seasons) or in more severe penance (as in Advent and Lent).  “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” (Acts 2:42). Not much drama here. The usual stuff of daily life. Worshiping together, eating together and learning together. Yes, a big segment of our life consists of the ordinary.

The Church uses this time for a more vigorous understanding of our faith. Hence, today we celebrate the feast of the Holy Trinity. Our faith in the Triune God is a mystery that was revealed to us by Jesus himself. Trinity pervades our life – both internally and internally. When we were baptized, the triple pouring of the water on us is an external reminder of the internal transformation that took place in our soul. The signing of the cross is recognized as the universal symbol of Christian profession, reminding us that the Holy Trinity lives in us.

Next Sunday is the Feast of Corpus Christi. Its liturgical title, “Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ,” shows its centrality in Christian life and worship. But, in the recent decades, faith in the Real Presence of Jesus has waned in the mind of Catholics in general. Studies and researches have shown a sad reality of only about 30% of Catholics believing that the bread and wine do transform into the body and blood of Christ. That is the reason for the US Bishops Conference to call for a National Eucharistic Congress. Its Diocesan phase is coming to an end and the Parish phase begins next Sunday with the Feast of Corpus Christi.

As announced, we have formed a Parish Eucharistic Revival Committee who will initiate and implement many ideas and plans to strengthen our faith in the Eucharist and to invite people back to church. Two ideas with which we will begin the Revival are:

  1. To have the Eucharistic Procession around our campus following the 5 pm Mass next Saturday. Please come and be part of this important expression of our faith.
  2. To have a Eucharistic Adoration every Monday from 6 – 8 pm. You have seen the sign up chart in the narthex. Try for a half-hour slot on one or more Monday evenings and see what a beautiful experience being in the presence of Jesus can be.

There will be other ideas that we will implement. Let us enter into this Year of Revival entrusting ourselves to Jesus Christ our Savior whose promise to be with us always is most tangibly realized in the Holy Eucharist.

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal


Pentecost Sunday


Mary and the Eucharist

We are in the last week of the month of May which has traditionally been seen as the month of Mary. Spring begins to take hold and flowers are in full bloom. Life springs anew from the dormancy of winter. Families return to walk in parks and children get involved in baseball, softball, and other outdoor sports. We feel more alive and energetic (unless perhaps we suffer from seasonal allergies). With the beginning of the month of May many Catholic families build some type of altar in their homes and place a statue of Mary in a prominent position on or near the altar. Fresh flowers are kept on the altar out of devotion to Mary. And many families prepare to celebrate First Communion with children.

Mother’s Day also falls in May (14 this year), the day when all of us like to reflect on the gift of our mothers . Whether they are living or deceased we remember them in some way, with prayers or with flowers and gifts to express our gratitude for the gift of life they gave us.

In the last encyclical he wrote before his death, Ecclesia de Eucharistia , Pope Saint John Paul 11 focused the church’s attention on the Eucharist . In this encyclical he pointed out that the church has no better model for devotion to the Eucharist than Mary. At one point the pope meditates on the Visitation (feast day May 31) quoting Saint Elizabeth‘s words “Blessed is she who believed”. He writes , “ when at the Visitation , she bore in her womb the Word made flesh , she became the tabernacle -the first tabernacle in history-in which the Son of God , still invisible to our human gaze , allowed himself to be adored by Elizabeth.” One of the chapters is entitled “In the school of Mary” and the pope speaks about how we are called to contemplate the face of Christ with Mary. As the church throughout the USA  is about to launch the parish phase of Eucharistic Revival on June 11 of this year we would do well to turn to Mary in this month of May to ask her intercession for our families and our parish community.

The greatest gift many Catholics could give to their mothers this Mother’s Day would be to return to regular attendance at Sunday mass. As a priest I hear so many stories from mothers of teens and young adults, of the pain and hurt they experience because their children have stopped attending mass. If you are among those who have stopped attending mass then one of the best gifts you could give your parents would be to recommit to mass every Sunday and bring your family along. May is the month of Mary and mothers and first Holy Communions. I pray it can be a time of renewal for all Catholics as we enter into this time of Eucharistic Revival contemplating the face of Christ with Mary.

Msgr. Brennan

Ascension of the Lord


Dear Friends,

We know from the Bible that the Ascension of Jesus took place forty days after the Resurrection: “[Jesus] presented himself alive to them by many proofs after he had suffered, appearing to them during forty days.” Acts 1:3. The 4th day after Easter Sunday will always be Thursday, therefore the Church, from very early on, celebrated Christ’s Ascension on this day.

But with the declining number of attendance on a weekday, many US Ecclesiastical Provinces as well as some countries, decided to transfer the feast to Sunday. You may remember that last year, our bishops of New Jersey decided to permanently transfer the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord from Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter to the following Sunday, the Seventh Sunday of Easter. Hence we keep the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord today.

Ascension does not mean that Jesus disappeared, because even as he ascended, his assurance was, “I will be with you always, even to the end of times” (Matthew 28:20). What is celebrated is Jesus’ exaltation and the end of his earthly existence as a prelude to the gift of the Spirit. Hence this feast is a celebration of Jesus’ final glorification after his suffering, death, and Resurrection – a glory in which we also hope to share.

And yet, humanly speaking, the concept of bodily Ascension is a mystery that we cannot fully understand. Pope Francis doesn’t shy away from explaining the mysteries of our faith. In his catechesis on Ascension, he says: “Jesus’ Ascension into Heaven thus allows us to know this reality that is so consoling on our journey: in Christ, true God, and true man, our humanity has been brought to God. He has opened the way. He is like the leader of a mountain climbing party that is roped together. He has reached the summit and pulls us to himself, leading us to God. If we entrust our lives to him, if we let ourselves be guided by him, we are certain of being in safe hands.”

Next Sunday is the great Feast of Pentecost. We are who we are because of the power of the Holy Spirit whose indwelling is within each one of us. Remember, what happened to the Apostles and the Blessed Mother after the Ascension? They gathered in the Upper Room and began to prepare themselves for the next nine days for the coming of the Holy Spirit just as Jesus told them (Acts1:4; Lk 24:49). They were anointed by the Holy Spirit and were totally changed. They became as new persons with a new life that even the citizens around them could see it so clearly.

As a parish community, we can be proud that we are becoming a spirit‐filled people not only when we gather to worship in church, but also as we volunteer to serve the community through the various ministries we have. At our Ministry Fair this weekend in the cafeteria, we have an opportunity to become familiar with many of those ministries. As you move from table to table, and hear more about each of those ministries, the Holy Spirit will prompt you. Listen to the Spirit and see if you are called to join any of those ministries. Do pray about it these days that the gift of the Holy Spirit will be “fanned into a flame “, “rekindled”, and “kept alive.” May the Spirit bless us as we prepare for the Feast of Pentecost.

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal

Sixth Sunday of Easter & Mother’s Day


Dear Friends,

How nice that we have many important celebrations today!

FIRST, Mother’s Day! A very happy Mother’s Day to all mothers! It is said that every mother is like Moses. She does not enter the Promised Land. She prepares others to enter a world she will not see. Today we thank our mothers, pray for them and honor them by celebrating Mother’s Day and by offering our mothers on the altar of God. Please read the reflections, anecdotes and stories in this bulletin that is dedicated to all Mothers.

Let us keep in mind that Mary is the Mother par excellence. We are in May, the month of Mary. Our School children will be doing the traditional May Crowning of Mary this month – a reminder that she is a mother to all of us. Through Mary, the work of Motherhood is glorified and sanctified. On this Mother’s Day, presenting all mothers on the altar, let us sing the beautiful song we sing on the Feast of the Presentation, “Gentle woman, peaceful dove, teach us wisdom, teach us love.”

SECOND, Feast of St. Matthias, our parish patron. The very first chapter of the Acts of the Apostles describes the first thing that the apostles did after the Ascension of Jesus: finding a replacement for Judas. One hundred and twenty people were gathered for prayer and reflection in the upper room, and Peter proposed two conditions to make the choice: “…. one of the men who have been with us the whole time the Lord Jesus was living among us, …. and a witness with us of his resurrection.” (Acts 1:21-22) There were two nominations. They cast lots and the lot fell for Matthias. As our patron, St. Matthias invites us to live as he lived with Jesus and to witness to the Resurrection. Happy Feast to all of us!

THIRD, Conclusion of our 60th Anniversary Year. We inaugurated it last year on the feast of St. Matthias. Anne Marie Francis and Jeff Hentz as co-chairs led the 60th Anniversary Committee, with the help of Dee Christmas, Pat Cullen, Joanne Diana, Gondee Tibay, Mary Frances Chavez, Emily Chavez, Sue Lenczewski, and Msgr. Seamus Brennan. We saw a number of memorable activities and events: Anniversary Mass with Bishop and past Ministers, parish picnic, Music Ministry Concert, Parish Cookbook, Honoring the pioneers, and a concrete plan to renovate our church building. All these made our Anniversary year very colorful and memorable.

All these celebrations remind us that we are a jubilant people moving forward on the path of holiness, bringing about the Kingdom of peace, justice, equality, and fellowship as Jesus envisaged. We are His ministers for this purpose. We have an amazingly large number of ministries to further the mission of Jesus. Next weekend you will find a number of these ministries at our Ministry Fair. May more of our parishioners be inspired to join these ministries and fulfill the dream God has for us as the wonderful community of St. Matthias.

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal


Fifth Sunday of Easter


Dear Friends,

You must have noticed the sound of Hand bells (Sanctus bells) during the Mass. We began to use bells this year from the Easter Vigil Mass onwards. At our last Parish Pastoral Council, there was an overwhelming appreciation for introducing the bells. Many of you told me of your joy at hearing the bells, evoking childhood memories. One parishioner asked me about the significance of bells. Another wanted to know why some parishes use bells and some don’t. I had been planning to explain these at the earliest chance which is happening in this column.

The ringing of bells during the consecration has a long history in the church, beginning about the 13th century. In those days, churches were large, the priest faced the altar. and Mass was offered in Latin, a language most ordinary folks did not know. Still they came faithfully to church to pray and so they would recite the rosary and novena prayers to different saints during the Mass. The church realized the need for directing the attention of the congregation to the altar at least during those important moments of the Mass. Thus bells were introduced to be rung primarily before the gospel proclamation, during the elevation of the Host, the elevation of the chalice and before receiving Holy Communion.

However, the Second Vatican Council decided to have the Mass offered in the vernacular, in the language of the people, so that all can understand the prayers. According to the Dogmatic Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Church earnestly desires that all the faithful be led to that full, conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations. Such participation by the Christian people as “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people” (1 Pt 2:9; see 2:4-5), is their right and duty by reason of their baptism. This made the bells redundant as everyone was called to participate attentively in the Holy Eucharist. Hence many churches discontinued the use of bells. But people missed the bells, because we humans are slaves of habit.

Does that mean bells are prohibited by the church? No. Here’s what the General Instruction of the Roman Missal says: “A little before the consecration, if appropriate, a minister rings a small bell as a signal to the faithful. The minister also rings the small bell at each elevation by the priest, according to local custom” (No. 150). Besides, it is biblical. The Old Testament mentions the use of bells on four occasions: Exodus 28:33-35, 39: 25-26; Ecclesiasticus 45:9, and Zechariah 14:20; Psalm 98:4; Psalm 150: 5-6.

From my Indian background, it may interest us to know the meaning of bells in a Hindu temple. When a devotee enters the Hindu temple, he or she rings a bell. The devotee is saying to the god or goddess of that temple: “Lord, I am here, please give me your ear.”

We have to understand that as human beings, we are distracted during Mass, and so bells can help us concentrate, by bringing our attention to the most important moment of the Mass. Bells also add reverence and solemnity to the Eucharistic celebration. May the introduction of bells help us to be more attentive in the sacred Liturgy.

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal