Please Volunteer To Help Us Take Down Our Trees

Our Spread the Light Campaign has brought joy to many, but the time has come to take down our trees for another year. Please consider joining us on Saturday, January 11, at 9 AM to take the lights off of the trees and pack them away. Last year, with the help of many hands, the job took less than two hours.

Also, please note, if you decorated your tree please make sure all decorations are removed by Wednesday, January 8. That is the day the signs will be removed. Tree decorations left on the trees on January 11 will be discarded.

Once again, many thanks to all who sponsored, set up, decorated, and helped to take down our beautiful trees. With all of us working together we can continue to Spread the Light of Jesus for many years to come!

Christmas Season Mass Schedule 2024-2025


Tuesday, December 24

Christmas Eve   

4:00 pm (church)

4:00 pm (cafeteria)

6:30 pm (church)

11:15 pm Christmas Carols (church)

12:00 Midnight (church)



Wednesday, December 25

Christmas Day

10:00 am and 12:00 Noon



Feast of the Holy Family

Saturday, December 28

5:00 pm (Vigil Mass)


Sunday, December 29

8:00 am, 10:00 am & 12:00 noon



Wednesday, January 1

Solemnity of Mary Mother of God

10:00 am



Epiphany of the Lord 

Saturday, January 4

5:00 pm (Vigil Mass)


Sunday, January 5

8:00 am, 10:00 am & 12:00 noon


New Year’s Blessings!

All Are Welcome to Come Visit Our Nativity & Christmas Trees on Display

St. Matthias is again celebrating the Christmas Season by illuminating our church and school property with beautiful, personalized, freshly-cut Christmas trees, decorated with white lights.

The Nativity and trees will remain lit every night from 6:00 PM until midnight, through the Feast of the Epiphany on January 5, 2025. People are welcome to visit the trees and read the plaques throughout this time.  Everyone driving by on JFK Boulevard will be reminded of the hope and peace that breaks into our darkness at Christmas time.

To find a specific tree, visit

The Giving Tree is Back! Please consider donating to someone in need.



The Giving Tree will be at the front of the Church beginning Tuesday, November 26th, and remain there until Sunday, December 15th.  During this time you will have the opportunity to take ornaments (gift tags) off the tree and purchase some or all of the items listed.

Gifts/gift cards should be dropped off at the Church on the weekends of December 7th/8th and December 14th/15th. PLEASE if you take a gift tag, return the gift.  ALL GIFTS ARE DUE BACK DECEMBER 15th.

St. Matthias parishioners and friends have been very generous in the past.  Your kindness is truly appreciated by the recipients at YES Early Learning Centers, Great Expectations, Ozanam Family and Men’s Shelter,  Naomi’s Way, Pregnancy Aid, Elijah’s Promise, and other local families. Thank you in advance for your continued support.

As always, we can use more elves before and after Sunday Masses and need drivers for deliveries the mornings of December 9th and 16th, after the 8:00 AM Mass.  If you can volunteer a bit of time, please contact: Joanne Diana at (732)322-6270 or  Thank you.


CANCELLED – The Racial Justice Initiative Hosts ADVENT MOVIE NIGHT

Unfortunately, our special Advent movie night has been cancelled.


Please join us for a special Advent movie night!  We will be watching Black Nativity, a musical based on the Langston Hughes play.  There will be refreshments and lots of fellowship.   We will have a free-will offering for dinner and ALL are encouraged to attend!

DATE:       Saturday, December 7th

TIME:        6:00 pm Dinner / 6:30 pm Movie

WHERE:   St. John XXIII Room

RSVP to by Thursday, December 5th so we can be prepared.




As our Spread The Light campaign grows closer please know, that there are still a number of trees that can be sponsored. To sponsor a tree, click here, get a form in the back of church, or see a staff member in the parish office.

 We will be in need of help on two Saturdays, November 23rd and the 30th.  On the 23rd we will need help taking the trees off of the truck at delivery.  The time has not yet been determined.  If you can help that day please email your phone number to Jo-Ann at, or Pat at In that way we can call you as soon as we have a delivery time to avoid a wait at the church.

On the 30th, the Saturday after Thanksgiving, we need MANY volunteers to decorate the trees with lights. We start at 9AM and will need at least 40 people. Lots of you are veterans at this project but we could use some new faces.  Many hands make quick work so please make every effort to join your fellow parishioners as we kick off this most joyous and sacred season as a family of St. Matthias!

Visit to sponsor a tree.


SmyleWithBraces teens with the Franklin Township Mental Health Stigma-Free Council invite you to…

Our Turn To Talk – Documentary & Discussion

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

7:00 P.M. – 8:30 P.M.

Franklin Township Community Senior Center

505 Demott Lane, Somerset, NJ 

From Skyrocketing rates of anxiety and depression to the impacts of racism, social media, and the pandemic, teenagers are putting an end to mental health stigma by telling their own powerful stories of struggles and triumph.

Teens, please join us for “Our Turn to Talk,” a movie and candid conversation about critical topics in your life and the lives of those you love.  Storytelling SAVES lives.

Discussion moderated by Sheila Gillin, MSS, LCSW

Refreshments will be served. Pre-Registration appreciated, but not required at

Students & Adults welcomed. Content is appropriate for ages Middle School and Above.

Join Us for a Fun-Filled Day to the Sight & Sound Theater to See Noah Live on Stage

The Senior Ministry and St. Martin DePorres Society will once again host a trip to Lancaster, PA to see Sight & Sound “NOAH LIVE ON STAGE” on Saturday, May 17, 2025.

Adults (Age 13+): $175
Children (under 13): $105

***Tickets, Bus, and Theater seatings will be assigned on a first-come first-serve basis! So Reserve Early!***

– Roundtrip Transportation
– Light Breakfast on the Bus
– Ticket to “NOAH” Live on Stage  (SHOWTIME – 11:00am)
– Lunch Buffet after the show at Miller’s Restaurant

$75 deposit/ticket due by December 15th
Final payment due by March 15th

(Note: After April 1st, Tickets are Non-Refundable)

Make checks payable to:
“St. Martin De Porres Society” with “Sight and Sound”, an email/phone# in the memo and mail or drop check off at the Parish Office.

BUS DEPARTS at 7:15 AM Sharp!
From The Catholic Community of St. Matthias, 168 John F Kennedy Boulevard, Somerset, NJ 08873
BUS RETURNS at approximately 7:30 PM

For More Information and To Purchase Tickets Contact:
Pearl or Dolores

Please Join the Diocese of Metuchen Office for Multicultural Ministry for a Black Catholic Gathering

Faith and Fellowship on Saturday, September 14, 2024, from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM at St. Peter the Apostle University & Community Parish Hall in New Brunswick.  The Black Catholic Committee is a multi-ethnic committee of passionate Catholics working to implement the Pastoral Plan of Action recommended by the National Black Catholic Congress last year in July.  Registration is $10 to cover lunch.  You can sign up now on the Diocese of Metuchen website on the Office of Multicultural Ministry home page or contact Sr. Miriam Perez or Deacon Rick Fortune at the Diocesan Office.

Catholic Social Teaching in the Public Square

                                         ELECTION 2024 REFLECTION SERIES

                                                                                         SAVE THE DATES

                                        Thursday, September 19                                  Thursday, October 10

                                        Thursday, October 3                                          Thursday, October 17

                               All sessions are from 7 – 8:30 pm in the John XXIII room at St. Matthias.

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) say in Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, “As a nation, we share many blessings and strengths, including a tradition of religious freedom and political participation.  However, as a people, we face serious challenges that are both political and moral.  This has always been so, and as Catholics we are called to participate in public life in a manner consistent with the mission of our Lord, a mission that he has called us to share.”  The USCCB goes on to say, “Any politics of human dignity must seriously address issues of racism, poverty, hunger, employment, education, housing, and health care.” As the Racial Justice Initiative here at St. Matthias, we feel it necessary to open a dialogue on racial justice issues as they pertain to politics in America, with a focus on our responsibilities as dictated by the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.

This dialogue will take place over four weekly sessions, each one-and-one-half hour long, during which we will pray, discuss CST principles, watch informative videos on pertinent topics, reflect, and discuss. The topics will be broken out as per the USCCB Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship:


  • Topics discussed will be voting rights and criminal justice reform.

Human life is sacred. The dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. Catholic teaching about the dignity of life calls us
to oppose torture, unjust war, and the indiscriminate use of drones for violent purposes: to prevent genocide and attacks against noncombatants; to oppose
racism; to oppose human trafficking; and to overcome poverty and suffering.


  • Topics discussed will be healthcare equity and environmental justice.

Human dignity is respected and the common good is fostered only if human rights are protected and basic responsibilities are met. Every human being has a right to life, the fundamental right that makes all other rights possible, and a right to access those things required for human decency—food and shelter, education and employment, health care and housing, freedom of religion and family life.


  • Topics discussed will be education equality and economic justice.

The principle of subsidiarity reminds us that larger institutions in society should not overwhelm or interfere with smaller or local institutions, yet larger institutions have essential responsibilities when the more local institutions cannot adequately protect human dignity, meet human needs, and advance the common good.


  • Topics discussed will be gun violence and Christian Nationalism.

It is important for our society to continue to combat any unjust discrimination, whether based on race, religion, sex, ethnicity, disabling condition, or age, as these are grave injustices and affronts to human dignity.  Where the effects of past discrimination persist, society has the obligation to take positive steps to overcome the legacy of injustice, including vigorous action to remove barriers to education, protect voting rights, support good policing in our communities, and ensure equal employment for women and minorities.

**PLEASE NOTE: These sessions will be strictly NON-PARTISAN and focused solely on issues as they pertain to RACIAL JUSTICE.

We hope you will join us as we thoughtfully and prayerfully prepare for the upcoming general election in November.  ALL  ARE  WELCOME.