Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time


Dear Friends,

The Eucharistic Procession last Saturday was a beautiful experience. The vast majority of those who attended the 5 pm Mass joined the procession and entered back in the church and attended the Benediction. We began the weekly adoration on Monday and the response was truly amazing. With 42 people praying silently before the Blessed Sacrament in the first half hour and then having an overage of 30 people present for every half-hour slot of the rest of the time. I invite you all to sign up for one of those slots or simply drop in for whatever time you can between 6-8 pm on Mondays.

I am very grateful to Msgr. Brennan for setting this plan in motion with detailed instruction and training of the EMs about exposing and reposing the Blessed Sacrament. Please read his letter on page 8 about his retirement plans, as approved by the Bishop. He does not want a formal farewell but I know you will certainly express your gratitude to him for his presence and ministry with us. I have requested him to return and help us whenever possible.

Though changes are part of life, it is painful to accept. On the last day of our school, there was a lovely prayer service with all the students gathered in the parking lot. It was moving to see Mr. Joe Gidaro sprinkling holy water on the students and the teachers blessing the students with the sign of the cross. When Mrs. Mary Lynch announced the names of those teachers and staff not returning after the summer, there were expressions of sadness from the students. Those expressions were very palpable when the names of Mr. Gidaro and Mrs. Josephine Pugnet were announced. Both of them touched the students with their caring and loving service: Mr. Gidaro faithfully served as Vice Principal and Mrs. Pugnet as the Cafeteria Manager, overseeing the lunch program and providing the students with choice meals. Both will be missed in the school and their services are gratefully remembered.

Graduation itself is another change, but a happy one, as you can see in that lovely picture of the class of 2023 on page 7. The 32 young men and women have completed their ACADEMIC life with us as they move on to the next level of their life’s journey, but we hope they will continue their spiritual life with us as we strive for a solid faith formation through Catholic education”. As the Catholic Community of St. Matthias, we, together with their parents and school faculty and staff, are very proud of them. We will continue our mission of Catholic education to the best of our ability.

Happy Feast to all Fathers! Having a good father is a gift of God’s grace. A good father is not afraid to show love, is patient, forgiving, joyful, and believes in his children. A good father leads by example and is present to help rear his offspring. In Scripture and in church, God is often called Father. Why? Is it so we can bring God down to our level of understanding, or is it to encourage our earthly fathers to live up to a higher standard? If it is the latter, men have some really big shoes to fill! Of course, the Catechism teaches that God is neither male nor female (CCC no.239), and God’s grace and mercy go way beyond the goodness that any of our fathers can exhibit. Yet, let us be aware of and practice our need to thank God daily for our fathers, uncles, brothers, sons, and men friends.

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal