Second Sunday of Lent


Dear Friends,

There are three major feasts that are not part of Lent but they occur almost always in Lent: St. Patrick on March 17 that is tomorrow, St. Joseph on March 19 and The Annunciation on March 25. Do we celebrate these feasts or stick to the austerity of lent? As one writer put it, “Although I know so many people talk about corned beef, Shepherd’s pie, bangers and mash, Irish stew as indispensable Irish comfort foods, I have found there are many meatless dishes that are just as Irish and traditional.” Similar points of view can be made of celebrating the feast of St. Joseph. Instead of getting into any controversy, it is good for us to know that the Church instruction is one of understanding and accommodation so that we can celebrate these feasts without losing the spirit of Lent. What is more important for us is that these feasts give us an opportunity to learn lessons that will help us live Lent better.

Thanks to the Irish for bringing the legacy of St. Patrick to places they have settled, especially to the USA. The St. Patrick’s Day celebration is a wonderful way to connect with the motherland and to unite all the Irish worldwide. But the way it is celebrated only as a cultural festivity equating it with all things Irish and green, is to miss out on the religious and spiritual dimension of the life of this great saint. Hence, the church invites us to focus on the missionary nature of the life of St. Patrick who converted the Irish population to Catholicism in his 33 years of apostolate there. He taught the oneness of God from whom all of creation comes forth and that faith in the true God can transform people. He was so convinced of this truth that he was willing to take any risk to share this goodness with others. He boldly discussed faith with everyone he met, and he didn’t compromise his convictions even others put intense pressure upon him to change.

Another quality that endeared me to St. Patrick is his sense of extraordinary forgiveness. Remember he was kidnapped from his home at the tender age of 16 and was forced to work as a slave in Ireland. We know from his writings that after six years, he escaped from slavery in Ireland, by walking some 200 miles to a port and persuading a ship captain to take him back home. He not only forgave his captors but also decided to become a priest and a missionary so he could return to Ireland to share the gospel with the very people who hurt him and destroyed his young life. Instead of looking at his tormenters as people to be avoided because they brought such darkness in his life, he saw them as brothers and sisters in Christ who needed to hear the good news of Jesus. What an inspiration for us who need to give forgiveness to those who have hurt or offended us!

This Wednesday, on March 19, we have the solemn Feast of St. Joseph. Being a high ranking feast in the Liturgical calendar of the Church, the Mass celebrated very much like a Sunday Mass with Gloria, and all the readings. The solemnity in the church is certainly followed by the solemnity at the dinner table too! St. Joseph’s silence in the gospels is an indication of his interior disposition of openness to listening to God – something we all can benefit from especially in this Lenten season. Every Wednesday we have a short novena prayer for the intercession of St. Joseph.

Happy Feast of St. Patrick! Happy Feast of St. Joseph!

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Abraham Orapankal