Survey for Adults Interested in Supporting St. Matthias Youth Ministry

SMYLE provides a safe space for our teens for self-expression and to find their purpose while developing an authentic relationship with God, others, and self. SMYLE provides Social, Service, Spiritual, and Religious opportunities/events where teens can form a community with people who can bring joy, create new possibilities, and spark new adventures or friendships!

Our teens in Junior High and High School (grades 6 – 12) have completed surveys highlighting their interests and concerns during these challenging times. This Adult (21+) survey is an attempt to match their responses with your skills and gifts. Please help St. Matthias to create a variety of different opportunities for our youth, by sharing your time & talent in areas of interest/need identified by our youth.

There are many direct, and also very helpful indirect ways, for adults to minister either to, for, or with our youth. Whatever you’re passionate about doing which gives you meaning and purpose – either professionally or as a hobby – it might be something a teen would be curious to further explore with your guidance.

We can only do more as we gain more support – so please pray and also encourage others to participate!
If you don’t have time to answer these questions but would like to chat with us, just provide your contact info, scroll to the bottom of the second page and click –> Submit.
Thanks for prayerfully considering being a part of a ministry where you’re capable of greatness!

To fill out the form, please click here.