A letter From Fr. Abraham Regarding St. Matthias School


To the Parents of St. Matthias School

Dear Parents,

As we come to the final days of the current academic year, I wish to thank you for your interest and support for your children’s education and for the support you have given to the school administration to fulfil our mission of Catholic Education. The beautiful graduation celebrations of the 8th Graders was a clear testimony of this.

The Principal is the primary person responsible for the overall management of every school. While shouldering that responsibility, our Principal, Mary Lynch, has done an amazing feat in getting her own graduation of her Masters degree last month from St. Peter’s University, Jersey City. She deserves a double congratulations for this.

Over the past years, the enrollment in our school has been decreasing which in turn made the parish having to generously subsidize the school. The St. Matthias Church’s mission is to support our school and do everything in its power to make the school strong. But when the enrollment drops and when parish subsidy is needed beyond a reasonable limit, some staff consolidation is called for. It is in that spirit that I painfully informed Mr. Joe Gidaro that his contract with our school would not be renewed. Mr. Gidaro has faithfully served St. Matthias for 12 years. Besides being the Vice Principal, he has worn many hats – especially as director of marketing & development, filling in as librarian and as substitute teacher when needed. He has the admiration and affection from all here in the campus and outside. Therefore letting him go was a very painful decision taken after lots of consideration and proper information over a long period of time.

Both Mr. Gidaro and Mrs. Lynch were informed of this possibility two years ago, and then one year ago. But when Mary Lynch informed you of this yesterday (6/8/2023), it must have come as a shock, and some rumors that are untrue have been going around. I wish to assure you that this decision is taken precisely to make our school strong and sustainable. The Church will not flinch from its primary mission of evangelization and our Catholic School is a major component of that mission. I am committed to that mission – despite whatever rumors are out there. Our Bishop, Most Rev. James Checchio is committed to that. The Office of Catholic Schools is committed to that. And certainly this Catholic Community of St. Matthias is committed to that.

Hence I invite you all to understand and accept the change, in the spirit of a family, and continue to support our St. Matthias School, and help it stay and grow stronger in ‘Faith, Caring and Excellence,’- as our School motto reminds us.

Have a wonderful summer.
God bless you and your families.


Fr. Abraham Orapankal
The Catholic Community of St. Matthias, Somerset


Letter to SMS Parents 2023 June