“Spirit Tech Connect” Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to our GivingTuesday “Spirit Tech Connect” campaign to help us purchase video/live-streaming equipment for our church community.  For those who may not have had a chance to donate and would like to do so, we will continue to accept donations.

Watch our video and listen to our volunteers.  Then DONATE at:  https://secure.givelively.org/donate/st-matthias-church-school/givingtuesday-spiritual-tech-connect-campaign.

You may donate:

  • online (credit card, Apple Pay, Bank Transfer) at the above link
  • via Parish Giving
  • by check made out to “St. Matthias Church” with “Spirit Tech Connect” in the memo line (and mailed/dropped off at the Parish Office or in the Sunday collection basket at Mass)
  • by texting SPIRITTECH to 44-321

Know that we are very grateful for your participation. Every donation counts and brings us closer to our goal!  Thank you for your generosity!