Dear Friends,
Did you notice a huge pile of mulch – 20 yards to be exact – in front of the church a couple of weeks ago? It was donated by the good will of Mr. Will Dupree of Spooky Brook Landscaping. A big thank you to Will for his good will donation. I was planning to arrange with Joan Seamon to get a group of volunteers to spread the mulch. But suddenly I saw some individuals doing that work on their own: Tom Mager, Debbie Evennou, Collette Edwards and Fr. Joe Curry. Their selfless example inspired even me to join them for a few hours in wheelbarrowing the mulch!
Seeing these wonderful parishioners stepping up, even without being asked to do this physically demanding work, made me realize the goodness of our people. We have so many parishioners volunteering for so many parish ministries. Some of them we see and recognize on Sundays: ushers doing hospitality, Lectors/Readers, Eucharistic ministers, sacristans, music and tech people. Others we do not see or recognize: youth group mentors, RCIA team, catechists, volunteers on the Pastoral Council, Finance Council, School Advisory Council, Property Management, Vincent DePaul Society, Home School Association, and many others. Our parish owes them a big salute as their good will to offer their time and talent is an important factor that helps this parish run smoothly.
Volunteering is their way to express their love and commitment to St. Matthias parish, bringing them so much satisfaction and contentment, with no expectation of any material or monetary reward. God who sees these good acts will be their reward (Matthew 6:4). Albert Schweitzer echoed the same when he wrote: “The interior joy we feel when we have done a good deed is the nourishment the soul requires.”
Volunteering is a great way to give back to the church community that is always there for us. The example of these numerous volunteers is an impetus for the rest of us to consider volunteering. Our Parish is in need of volunteers. Hence I propose to have a pool of volunteers who could offer some of their time and talent, as per their availability/convenience, for various parish needs from time to time. Could you email me at if you are willing to be part of that pool, with a very flexible commitment? Let us know your name, email, phone number, and type of volunteer work you would be willing to do (e.g, answering phones, typing/data entry, yardwork, or anything else you would be willing to do.)
I am reminded of the words of Gandhi: “The best way to FIND yourself is to lose yourself in the SERVICE of others.” How reminiscent of the message of our Lord Jesus Christ himself!
God bless your goodness.
Fr. Abraham Orapankal